An probe to compare the reaction rates between murphy and H peroxide against liver and H peroxide through loss in mass.
Background information:
Catalase is an enzyme that is found in all cells. This means that it is an intracellular enzyme. And enzyme is a biological accelerator. A accelerator is some thing that speeds up a reaction without being changed itself. Because of this enzymes and accelerators can be used once more and once more. Enzymes are protein ironss that have a primary. secondary and third construction. Their primary construction shows the order and types of amino acids used to organize the protein concatenation. The secondary construction shows the basic folding of the protein and is held in topographic point by H bonds. The third construction shows a more complex folding which gives it its ball-shaped form. The third folding of the enzyme besides gives it its active site. The active sit of an enzyme is the portion of the enzyme that determines what the enzyme will respond with. If this active site is destroyed in any manner the enzyme is said to be denatured and will no longer work.
Certain things affect the reaction rate of a substance where an enzyme is used. The concentration of the reactant will impact the reaction rate. If there is a strong concentration of reactant or catalase so there will be a faster reaction rate than if the concentration was weak. Besides. the higher the temperature of the substance the faster the reaction rate will be. This besides applies to the surface country of the cells incorporating the catalase. If the cells have a big country the reaction rate will be really fast. This is because more catalase will be exposed to the reactant and this will intend that more merchandises are being made in a short sum of clip. However if the cells have a little surface country so the reaction rate will be slow because less of the enzyme will be accessible to the merchandise and hence fewer merchandises will be made in a certain sum of clip. Catalase reacts with H peroxide to organize H2O and O in the cells. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic chemical that is made of course in the cells.
Because it is toxic it has to be removed. This is why there is catalase in the cells. Some types of cells contain more catalase than other types of cells. For case the liver contains a batch of catalase. This is because the liver is a really active portion of the organic structure and hence produces a batch of H peroxide. One of the liver’s major maps is the industry and secernment of gall. which is stored in the saddle sore vesica and released in the little bowel. To battle this the liver cells need to incorporate a batch of catalase. The liver besides controls glucose degrees in the blood and interrupt down amino acids. Plant cells on the other manus do non incorporate a batch of catalase. This is because workss are really inactive and do non bring forth a batch of H peroxide and hence do non necessitate to hold a batch of catalase to acquire rid of it. The murphy is a tubur. which means it is a shop of nutrient for workss. It is an extension of the root of the murphy works. It does non make any thing and for this ground should non incorporate a batch of catalase
My purpose is to compare the reaction rates between crushed liver and crushed murphy when placed in H peroxide through loss in mass and see which tissue cells contain the most catalase.
I think that the reaction rate for the liver will be faster than the reaction rate of the murphy. This is because there is more catalase in the liver. This means that a piece of crushed liver will incorporate more catalase than a piece of crushed murphy of the same mass. From my research I know that the higher concentration of catalase there is so the faster the reaction rate will be. Because liver has a higher concentration of catalase than murphy it means that when it is placed in H peroxide it will bring forth more O in a set clip bound.
Pilot survey:
Before I could make my experiment I had to make a pilot survey to happen out which measurings I should utilize to acquire the best consequences. First of all I tried to mensurate the reaction rate of 5g of crushed murphy in 20 Master of Library Science of H peroxide diluted with 20 Master of Library Sciences of H2O. This gave a mensurable consequence so I decided to go on with these multitudes and volumes of reactants except this clip I tried it with crushed liver alternatively of murphy. The reaction this clip nevertheless was excessively volatile so I had to rethink my measures. I tried the experiment with lone 2g of crushed liver and I used a bigger beaker to incorporate the reaction better. This clip the consequence wasn’t so volatile and the reactants and merchandises stayed inside the beaker. To do certain that this would give a mensurable consequence I repeated the experiment once more but utilizing 2g of crushed murphy. The reaction was rather slow but mensurable so I decided to go on with these sums for my existent probe. I besides found out that the murphy reaction starts to halt after three proceedingss so I decided to enter the mass every 20 seconds for three proceedingss.
First of all I weighed out 2g of the internal tissue of a murphy and 2g of liver on the top pan graduated tables. Then utilizing the stamp and howitzer I individually crushed up the two reactants. To assist oppress the liver a pinch of sand was placed in the howitzer. Then I measured out 20 milliliter of H peroxide and diluted it with 20 milliliters of H2O doing a 50 % concentration solution of H peroxide. Following I placed my 500 milliliter beaker on the top pan graduated tables and returned the weight to zero. After adding my murphy to the beaker I added the H peroxide and recorded the weight in my tabular array. Every 20 seconds after this I recorded the weight on the top pan graduated table. I continued to take readings for three proceedingss worsening the solution after every reading.
After three proceedingss was over I repeated the experiment maintaining everything the same except this clip I used 2g of crushed liver alternatively of murphy. Once this experiment was over I repeated the murphy experiment and so I repeated the liver experiment. This was to give a more accurate set of consequences.
Alternatively weighing the difference during the reaction I could’ve measured the reaction rate through supplanting. This would intend that I set up my experiment as shown below and measured the sum of H2O that is displaced from the mensurating cylinder.
To do this a just trial I used the same concentration of H peroxide each clip I did the experiment. This is because the concentration of the H peroxide could impact my consequences. I besides made certain that I used the same mass of murphy and liver. as I wanted to compare them. If they had different multitudes it may perchance hold affected my consequences. The experiment was besides made a just trial because I used the same top pan scales each clip I did the experiment. Using different equipment may hold meant I got a different truth in my consequences. I besides used the same murphy and the same liver for when I repeated my consequences. I repeated my consequences so that I could acquire an norm and acquire more accurate consequences. If I had used different murphies and liver at that place would hold been a difference in the sum of catalase and this would’ve changed my consequences or made so inaccurate.
To do certain that I was doing my experiment every bit safe as possible. I had to make a hazard appraisal of my experiment. First I checked out how risky the H peroxide was. I found out that it was caustic. nevertheless it was safe to utilize in 2 mole sums. This was why the H peroxide I used had a molar concentration of 2 moles. I besides used baseball mitts. safety goggles and a lab coat to do certain that I was protected.
During my reaction I noticed that the H peroxide solution fizzed and gave of a gas. My research indicates that this gas was O because the expression for the reaction between H peroxide and catalase is:
Hydrogen peroxide + catalase H2O + O
( See besides graphs and tabular arraies )
From my graph I can see that my anticipation was right. I predicted that the liver would hold a faster reaction rate than the murphy when mixed with the H peroxide. I can state that this is true signifier my graph because the line for the liver reaction rate is steeper that the line for the potato reaction rate. This means that the liver has a faster reaction rate than murphy does. I can besides state by my computations of the mean reaction rates that the liver has an mean reaction rate that is faster than the potatoes mean reaction rate. This indicates that liver contains more catalase that murphy does. I know this because my research shows that when there is a higher concentration of catalase so there is a faster reaction rate. When there is a larger concentration of an enzyme the reaction rate of the solution will rush up. This is because there are more enzymes that are able to do successful hit with the atoms and do a reaction.
This rule is based on something called the hit theory. This theory states that for two atoms to respond they must clash with each other at a certain velocity and have a certain sum of energy and if they collide right they react. This is called a successful hit. If there are more enzymes so there will be a larger opportunity of a successful hit. Though making my research I thought that there would be more catalase in the liver than the murphy because the liver is a more active organ. It produces bile and helps command the glucose degrees in the blood where as the murphy is merely a shop for works minerals and non much else.
Even though I get the consequences I was trusting for I still got some anomalous consequences in my graph. This could’ve been for a figure of grounds. For case because I was utilizing really delicate measurement graduated tables ( top pan balance ) a small perturbation in the air could’ve changed my consequences. Besides because after every 20 seconds I was fomenting the reactants and puting the beaker on the graduated tables I could’ve placed it in a different topographic point each clip and this would’ve changed my consequences. Or when I was fomenting the reactants I could agate it more sometimes and this would’ve caused a faster reaction.
I think that my experiment was really valid. This is because it gave the expected consequences. If my consequences had non shown what was expected so. I would’ve remake my experiment to happen out where I went incorrectly.
If I were to make the experiment once more I would seek to make it in a topographic point with less people. This is because whilst I was making my experiment there were a batch of people walking about. This caused a bill of exchange around my experiment and it changed my consequences. I would besides reiterate my experiment more so that I could acquire a more accurate consequence.
I would take this experiment farther by happening out if other beings held more catalase. For case I could see if the murphy tegument had more catalase in it so potato flesh does. I could besides happen out if kidneys had a faster reaction rate than liver. I would make the same experiment utilizing the same measurings but I would utilize a wider fluctuation of reactants.