Sex in the Bible by Michael R. Cosby

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This book report focuses on the subject of sex in the Bible, which is often considered taboo in churches. The purpose was to gain a better understanding of what the Bible says about this topic. The chosen book for the report is “Sex in the Bible” by Michael R. Cosby, which examines five different sections of the Bible that discuss sexual relations.

Cosby begins by studying the laws regarding sex in Hebrew culture as outlined in Deuteronomy. He then moves on to explore wisdom advice found in Proverbs and discusses how sex is portrayed in Psalms. In addition, he delves into the topic of sex and sexuality as discussed in synoptic gospels. Lastly, Cosby analyzes references to sex in Corinthians and Paul’s letters to Romans. Throughout his analysis, Cosby aims to interpret the beliefs early Jews and Christians held about this subject.

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The book of Deuteronomy includes laws from the god Yahweh to the Hebrew people, covering different aspects of life such as regulations on sexual conduct. The society during the time of writing was patriarchal, stating that a husband possesses his wife but forbidding mistreatment akin to slavery. The husband has sole authority over divorce and verifying his wife’s virginity. The key principles regulating sexual laws in Deuteronomy are that sexual activity should exclusively occur within marriage and women must be virgins prior to marrying.

In the context of premarital sex, whether it is consensual or forced, the punishment is death by stoning. However, in cases of rape, the perpetrator is compelled to marry the victim and cannot divorce her. Furthermore, according to teachings found in Deuteronomy, a husband has the authority to accuse his newlywed wife of impurity. If proven true, this could lead to her being stoned outside her father’s house. The responsibility for preventing their daughter from becoming impure fell upon the father because having an impure daughter brought significant shame. In situations where false accusations were made, the husband would face public beatings and be required to pay one hundred coins to the bride’s father.

The book of Deuteronomy discusses various aspects of sexuality, including the practice of polygamy, which was widely accepted. According to Hebrew law, it was customary for a man to marry his deceased brother’s widow. If the brother already had a wife, it was permissible for him to have two wives. Additionally, Deuteronomy mentions two acts that Yahweh considers sinful but do not warrant death as punishment: prostitution and transvestitism. Transvestitism involves men dressing as women and vice versa. Both engaging in prostitution and transvestitism were viewed as immoral by God and resulted in being cursed.

Cosby then moves on to the book of Proverbs, which differs from Deuteronomy as it does not provide laws regarding sex but rather offers advice about it. Unlike Deuteronomy, Proverbs is not centered around a covenant motif but instead presents accumulated wisdom derived from years of observation. Similarly to Deuteronomy, Proverbs covers various aspects of life, but its presentation is distinct. The emphasis on the Hebrew people’s covenant with God is absent in Proverbs. In fact, Proverbs is not exclusively intended for the Hebrew people but rather serves as guidance for people from all nations.

The main focus of Proverbs is to emphasize the importance of avoiding women who have a lack of moral values. Proverbs distinguishes between two types of women, representing two different paths. The first path is guided by pure women and leads to wisdom, righteousness, and justice. The second path is led by women who tempt men and leads to folly, perversion, and death. The writers of Proverbs aimed to inspire young men to choose wisdom over folly as a guiding principle in their lives. Wisdom enables individuals to make informed decisions based on their understanding of God’s laws. Folly, on the other hand, causes individuals to be driven by their immediate desires and enticed by what may seem appealing. Focusing solely on immediate wants blinds individuals to the long-term consequences of their actions. However, choosing wisdom allows individuals to see that obeying God’s law leads to a fulfilling and prosperous life.

In the book of Songs mentioned earlier, Cosby discusses its contents. While Dueteronomy and Proverbs give guidelines on sexual relations, the book of Songs presents a romanticized view of love and sex. It consists of poems that focus on love. These poems express what has been learned from the previous books. The text emphasizes that sexual intimacy is a wholesome and enjoyable aspect of marriage, meant to be mutually enjoyed by both partners. It also states that God created men and women as sexual beings with sensual pleasures to embrace fully. Therefore, the scripture confirms our physical nature as beings capable of experiencing genuine emotions of love and passion.

Cosby now transitions to discussing the Synoptic Gospels and Jesus’ teachings. Jesus’ teachings regarding sex and sexuality were in line with the advice provided in Proverbs and the regulations outlined in Deuteronomy. Jesus placed great emphasis on strictly adhering to God’s moral code. He considered both committing adultery and coveting a married person as morally wrong. Furthermore, he believed that divorce was not valid for men and women, as it was a decision reserved for God. While his teachings aligned with those of Deuteronomy, Jesus also preached love and forgiveness to those who violated the laws. Instead of condemning or damning them to hell, he chose to forgive them and offer guidance towards righteousness. Jesus maintained that obedience solely to God’s laws was insufficient; individuals should strive to follow God’s will.

Cosby then proceeds to address the explanation of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians and Romans. Within his letter to the Corinthians, Paul expands upon the teachings of Jesus to the inhabitants of Corinth. Regarding sexual relations, Paul adopts a moderate conservative perspective, avoiding alignment with either the liberals or the ascetics. He dismisses the liberal viewpoint that devalues the body, thus enabling them to indulge in all physical desires. Instead, Paul refutes this notion and endeavors to embed in the people’s minds that the body serves as God’s sacred dwelling place.

Paul addressed ascetics, promoting the notion of marital sex as a positive aspect. He concurred with Jesus’ teachings on marriage, divorce, and adultery. Nevertheless, Paul refrained from condemning celibacy, recognizing its potential to abstain from sexual relations without seeking offspring. His commitment lay in reshaping moral standards and leading individuals towards a connection with God that would exhibit love and ethical righteousness to others.

Paul’s letters to the Romans address the topic of sexuality, particularly in relation to homosexual behavior. Unlike the Romans, who accepted and even expected such behavior, Paul aimed to advocate for a change in perspective by preaching the teachings of the Hebrew law. According to this law, homosexual behavior was seen as a perversion that contradicted God’s intended order. Paul emphasizes the need for those engaging in such behaviors to seek forgiveness from God through his grace.

It is fascinating to observe how Christian societies have incorporated the principles of Deuteronomy and the wisdom found in Proverbs. Many Christians, as well as Jews, continue to strive to follow these laws and principles. However, adhering to the ancient Hebrew laws is deemed impossible in today’s society. Some laws cannot be applied at all while others are viewed as too difficult for people to achieve. The laws in Deuteronomy may appear absurd to a contemporary woman, but it remains important to comprehend their origins and purpose. Although the literal text may not align with the experiences of women and men today, they can adapt to it and indeed have done so. Individuals have derived valuable lessons from these books and implemented them in their daily lives in modern society. Whether it involves practicing monogamy or abstaining from homosexual acts, these biblical texts have been personally embraced by countless individuals across generations. While many laws may no longer be prevalent in present-day societies, the impact of these books is still evident everywhere.

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Sex in the Bible by Michael R. Cosby. (2018, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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