Thailand Position Paper

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The clamorous conflict surrounding the issue of China signification as ASEAN external factor has been a moot point since political landscape transformation of China has changed from bilateral relations into multilateral diplomatic relations. Aforementioned transformation consequently made ASEAN become more enganged with China. Some may argue that assuming China signification as a serious threat outweigh admitting to China signification inherently as a powerful country in the region. Those in opposition to China signification in ASEAN highlight South China Sea dispute case and terrorism or violent extremism which raise doubts whether China’s role in establishing regional peace and security in ASEAN is enormous and what can be improved then?

The kingdom of Thailand is perched in lofty position along with People’s Republic of China. Thailand believes that the benefits of fostering a cordial relation with China far outweigh any negative repercussions. As member of ASEAN country, Thailand relies on entities such as ASEAN Regional Forum in order to encourage interactive consultation on political and security issues in the region and Thailand also believe that ARF will always come up with notable contributions to achieve confidence-building and preventive diplomacy among all of ARF member states.

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Thailand was one of the initiators of ARF since the first ARF meeting was held in Bangkok on July 1994. The meeting came up with adoption of ASEAN’s TAC (Treaty of Amity and Cooperation) as a code of conduct in regulating regional relations and agreed to meet annually. Thailand joined the ARF in order to voice its support for maintaining peace and stability in the region as well as promoting regional development and prosperity. Furthermore, Thailand believes that the presence of China amid ASEAN with its rapid economic growth and military capabilities contributes to the stability in the region.

Recently, Thailand has approved Chinese submarines, tank and helicopter purchases worth more than $500 million. Thailand also has approved the first phase construction of postponed SHINO-THAI Railway project that will link the industrial in eastern seaboard of Thailand with southern china and it’s Thailand’s center for export-oriented industries. In addition, China has been Thailand’s largest export destination since 2010 as well as Thailand’s largest import source since 2014. However, The kingdom of Thailand recognizes that there is need for resolving the South China Sea dispute. In the name of peace, Thailand urges to accelerate on completing the long delayed code of conduct (COC) as binding agreement and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct (DOC) of Parties in the South China Sea.

Taking into account Chairman’s Statement of the 24th ARF in Manila on August 7th, 2017 regarding counter-terrorism issue, Thailand agrees that there is necessity to reaffirm a strong commitment to strengthen cooperation between ARF member states in an effort to combat the spread of terrorist ideology through internet which covers the prevention of terrorist acts. An ISIS defector, Abu Abdullah al-Maghribi once said “The media people are more important than the soldier, their monthly income is higher.” In fact, ISIS is known for using social media platform, predominantly Twitter in order to spread their propaganda, indeed the social media company shut down over 125,000 accounts linked to ISIS.

The delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand proposes the next possible solutions for these issues:

  •  Building up the mutual trust between ARF members in advance of starting a three-stage process viz in 1995
  •  Revitalizing ARF concept of Preventive Diplomacy which relies on diplomatic and peaceful methods such as diplomacy, negotiation, enquiry, mediation and conciliation without any coercive actions such as military action or the use of force
  •  Urging to immediately form ASEAN Ad Hoc task force on completing Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea that acts as day to day supervisor of the framework completion
  •  Appealing to call for closer cooperation on combating the spread of terrorist ideology through internet with cyber-stakeholders in each ARF member states

The aforementioned solutions have main values and objectives which are;

  • Affirming that The ARF encourages to meet the challenges by putting into place a three-stage process including the concept of Preventive Diplomacy to promote Non-Traditional Conflict Resolution.
  • Recalling The Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), Article 4 which stipulated that “The parties concerned undertake to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned.’
  • Believing that well-managed cooperation between State and Non-State party will have positive impact in finding the solution to overcome the spread of terrorist ideology through internet.
  • Deeply Convinced that ARF member states are still willing to realize ASEAN Vision 2020 by obeying international law and working together professionally and no betrayal.

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Thailand Position Paper. (2022, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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