The QSEN Institute Concept and the Healthcare Provisions and Help in the National Patient Safety Foundation

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Various individuals and organizations have recently raised interest and focus in how health systems perform. This has in turn led to the further development of healthcare performance indicators for assessing, monitoring, and managing healthcare systems to accomplish effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Although the indicators available Show conceptual frameworks, it is not often clear just what underlying concepts might need to be considered or how effectiveness is not only conceptualized, but also measured. Several nongovernmental agencies are available to assist healthcare professionals in this regard.

Some such organizations are the QSEN Institute, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and the National Patient Safety Foundation. The QSEN is an institute that provides information, conferences, courses, additional links, and resources to alleviate the questions related to quality improvement, patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics. This institute also defines all basic and complex terms and further lists the corresponding knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with each core competency and term. Articles are also listed for further research and understanding.

The QSEN website is very informative and useful in not only understanding the various concepts related to quality care and patient safety but also furthering one’s education and attaining licensure. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement have similar layouts and information as the QSEN Institute. These websites have the same vision in that they seek to not only improve the health of the general populations but also empower individuals and groups to make this their vision as well. With the information, resources, and links available on the various institutes as well as the National Patient Safety Foundation, one can understand the root of patient safety, quality insurance, and evidence based practices the importance of these is also clearly highlighted on these websites.

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The QSEN Institute Concept and the Healthcare Provisions and Help in the National Patient Safety Foundation. (2023, Apr 16). Retrieved from

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