The Tragic Loss of Innocence: Demise of Characters in Lord of the Flies

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The thought-provoking book Lord of the Flies by William Golding tackles the frailty of civilisation and the underlying darkness of human nature. A group of young boys are abandoned on a remote island without adult supervision, which causes a slow decline into anarchy and brutality. Numerous people suffer terrible endings throughout the narrative, signifying the passing of youth and the destructive forces at work in a society devoid of laws and order.

In the book, Simon is one of the first characters to pass away. Simon is portrayed as a kind and reflective young man who often seeks isolation in nature to reflect on the actual nature of evil on the island. Simon acts as a moral compass. In a pivotal episode, the lads savagely kill Simon after mistaking him for the “beast” during a frenzied rite at night. The terrible loss of innocence and the boys’ inability to see the goodness inside themselves are symbolized by Simon’s death. It emphasizes the idea that people who exhibit compassion and understanding may be destroyed by fear and ignorance.

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The death of Piggy, an educated and logical youngster who acts as the voice of reason and intellectualism among the group, is another crucial loss in Lord of the Flies. Piggy’s glasses stand for his capacity for critical thought, as well as for knowledge and civilisation. The collapse of reason and the repression of intelligence in the face of unbridled cruelty is symbolized by Roger’s murder of him, one of the lads who falls victim to barbarism. The ultimate plunge into total chaos and the fight for dominance between the forces of civilization and barbarism on the island are both highlighted by Piggy’s passing.

The presence of the naval commander acts as a turning point in the story, even if it does not directly result in the death of a member of the group of lads. The guys’ conduct had reached its most violent point when the naval officer shows up, stopping them dead in their tracks. The officer’s presence emphasizes how different the world of civilization is from the depravity that has engulfed the youngsters. The lads are forced to face their situation’s reality and the effects of their actions as a result of this meeting.

Along with the individual fatalities, a number of other characters also perish during the narrative. Sam and Eric, twins, are kidnapped and forced to join Jack’s tribe, signifying the loss of uniqueness and absorption into a society ruled by tyranny and violence. The instability and violence on the island also have an indirect impact on the littluns, who stand for the defenseless and innocent elements of society. Although their destiny is yet unknown, their presence throughout the narrative acts as a warning about the possible consequences of living in a chaotic environment.

The tragic reminders of the destructive forces that arise when society and civilization fall apart are provided by the deaths of many characters in Lord of the Flies. While Piggy’s death symbolizes the death of reason and intelligence, Simon’s murder depicts the loss of empathy and understanding. The lads are forced to confront the repercussions of their conduct when the naval officer shows up, compelling them to take responsibility for their plunge into barbarism. These fatalities and their metaphorical ramifications show how frail human nature is and how all of us have a tendency toward evil.

Lord of the Flies serves as a cautionary story about the repercussions of unrestrained power, terror, and the lack of society rules via the terrible deaths of its protagonists. It emphasizes the value of morality, logic, and the maintenance of innocence in the face of difficulty. In the end, Golding’s book serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between civilized life and wildness, as well as the possible repercussions when that equilibrium is upset.

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The Tragic Loss of Innocence: Demise of Characters in Lord of the Flies. (2023, Jul 20). Retrieved from

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