Types of Eating Disorders

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People assume that mental and eating disorders are not a severe obstacle that numerous people encounter. Nevertheless, nowadays, adolescents are surrounded by TVshows, magazines, and billboard posters, continuously giving them a distorted representation of reality. Eating disorders are not just a habit, but a psychological problem. Adults or even young teenagers unexpectedly encounter eating disorders such as; Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating. Globally up to seventy million people confront these kinds of experiences.

The first common category of an eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. In a world we live today, we are told to look a specific way to look “standard”. Due to the pressure from society, for those who suffer from Anorexia nervosa, it is just not about looking thin. It is more about the limitation of consuming food. They deprive of food, as they feel unworthy and undeserving to consume. Moreover, in most cases, it gives them satisfaction not to eat nor to count calories. Over a long time of food deprivation, it eventually leads to even deadlier circumstances. In the early stages of Anorexia, they may begin by losing a couple of kilograms. Then, when they are underweight=, their skin color turns nearly blue, making them appear old. Thirdly, due to the inadequate amount of nutrition, they are receiving, the brain and body develop atrophy. Atrophy is a condition when the brain shrinks and swells, as the brain does not obtain the essential nutrition for the body. Due to atrophy, the person will also experience having large blue and purple veins bursting out of their entire bodies. If the person is not treated immediately from this illness, they may, unfortunately, lose their lives.

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The second most common type of eating disorder is Bulimia. As for someone who is bulimic, they desire to always stay thin. Bulimia is vicious and chaotic as anorexia. For several days, they refuse to eat, limiting themselves while they’re fantasizing about food. However, when they eat, they often feel guilty and end up vomiting their food. Beneath it all, the person can impair their esophagus and stomach, making it fatal.

To conclude, eating disorders such as Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating issues are real mental illness that are not addressed to one. Those who are experiencing it assumes that it is normal for one to go through these disorders. Furthermore, these kinds of disorders can give them a feeling of control, the feeling of success and perfection. Nevertheless, they are all dangerous to one’s health, and unfortunately, young people die from these disorders.

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Types of Eating Disorders. (2021, Aug 25). Retrieved from


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