Universal Healthcare: Why We Need It Now

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As citizens of the United States of America. we enjoy many rights. freedoms and free services such as public instruction. public jurisprudence enforcement and public safety services. We take pride in holding a developed state. nevertheless a basic human right is losing from the list: free public health care. Since the United States is one of the wealthiest states in the universe. should we non anticipate medical attention to be provided to its citizens? Imagine the positive affects that would ensue from nationally available health care – the list is long. Harmonizing to the 2012. US Census Bureau. 47. 9 million people are without wellness insurance in America ; Healthcare and wellness insurance have become so expensive and out of range. that many households can non have the medical attention they need. The best solution to this pressing issue is to add a 28th amendment to the Constitution. which ensures the right of cosmopolitan health care to all Americans.

Healthcare is a basic human right and need that should be protected by the Constitution. The authorities and the Constitution must carry through their duty of “promoting the general welfare” of its people. as stated in the Preamble. Besides. it is stated in the Declaration of Independence that citizens shall bask the right of “life. autonomy and the chase of felicity ( Source 1 ) . ” Healthcare falls under that class. as our wellness is important to our well being. “dictates our quality of life ( Source 2 ) ” and controls our ability to bask such cardinal rights. Therefore. cosmopolitan health care is a legitimate map of our authorities. In add-on. the United States is one of the lone developed states in the universe that remains without free wellness services. We may profit from taking a lesson from other states that have already taken these stairss. such as our neighbour Canada. In Canada. life-long wellness coverage is ensured to everyone and it costs about “half as much. per individual. as in the United States ( Source 3 ) . ” In fact. harmonizing to the World Health Organization’s study in 2000. the US ranked 37th in footings of the world’s health care systems-

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let downing sing the sum of wealth in the US ( Source 4 ) . It is clip for our authorities to catch up with the remainder of the developed universe. and supply its citizens with free wellness services.

If the U. S were to establish a policy of free health care there would be many positive consequences. both long term effects and immediate consequences. Promptly. we would see many citizens gain antecedently unavailable entree to medical attention. which can salvage infinite lives and better the overall wellness of the populace. It’s 2014 and deceases associated with a deficiency of wellness insurance should no longer be acceptable. Harmonizing to a survey conducted by the American Journal of Public Health. 45. 000 deceases occur every twelvemonth in the U. S. that are linked to a deficiency of wellness coverage ( Source 5 ) ; Making free wellness insurance could potentially salvage 225. 000 lives within the first five old ages of its acceptance. If the sheer sum of lives saved is non convincing plenty. see the economic benefit and and saved money that may ensue. When the populace is healthy and happy. they won’t miss work. therefore lending more to the economic system and decreasing unemployment. A survey conducted by the Institute of Medicine studies that the United States “loses $ 65- $ 130 billion as a consequence of lessened worker productiveness. due to hapless wellness and premature deceases. among the uninsured ( Source 1 ) . ” Additionally. households all excessively frequently go bankrupt as a consequence of medical measures.

In fact. in 2007. 67 per centum of American bankruptcies were related to medical disbursals ( Source 1 ) . so cosmopolitan wellness coverage would dramatically diminish such happenings and let the American populace to populate healthy and productive lives. It would besides advance little and private concerns. as they would non hold to pay for employee wellness insurance any longer. and more frequently than non. Americans are insured by their employer. However the most important long term and economic consequence free wellness coverage would convey to the U. S is an existent lessening in the sum of money spent on health care. While many would believe that cosmopolitan health care is dearly-won and out of range. a survey conducted in 2013 suggests that. “under a single-payer system. in which all citizens are guaranteed a right to wellness attention. entire public and private wellness attention disbursement could be lowered by $ 592 billion in 2014 and up to $ 1. 8 trillion over the following decennary due to lowered administrative and prescription drug costs. ” ( Source 6 ) If this program were to be instituted. it would non merely assist society and out people. it would besides better the economic system and finally decrease authorities disbursement.

With all of these possible benefits and success narratives of other states. one might inquire why we have non taken action to advance such policies in America. Unfortunately. the reply lies in the big corporations that control the medical industry. Established wellness suppliers and installations fear they will lose their money if wellness coverage is provided by the authorities ; This makes the proposal less likely to be adopted by the provinces. However. we can travel around these corporations and alternatively derive support from the people. In order to derive credibleness and impulse. first we can use the media and cyberspace. and get down to educate people of the benefits of a free health care system. Once the bulk of people are made cognizant of the current shortages in our health care system. we can trust the people will no longer accept it. Then. with the support of the nation’s populace we will take the proposed 28th amendment to Congress where it would necessitate confirmation by two tierces of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

In decision. the clip has come for the United States to follow in the remainder of the developed world’s footfalls and supply cosmopolitan health care for its people. This should go the 28th amendment to the Constitution as it will non merely better public wellness. but better the economic system and further a merely society in which everyone can have medical attention.

Plants Cited

1. “Right to Health Care ProCon. org. ” ProCon. org Headlines. ProCon. org. 4 Aug. 2014. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. 2. Sanghoee. Sanjay. “Why Universal Health Care Is Our Inalienable Right. ” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com. 25 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. 3. Nader. Ralph. “21 Ways the Canadian Health Care System Is Better than Obamacare. ” » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts. Names the Names. Counter Punch. 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. 4. Taylor. Adam. and Samuel Blackstone. “These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US. ” Business Insider. Business Insider. Inc. 29 June 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. 5. Cecere. David. “New Study Finds 45. 000 Deaths Annually Linked to Lack of Health Coverage. ”Harvard Gazette. Harvard University. 17 Sept. 2009. Web. 14 Sept. 2014 6. Gerald Friedman. PhD. “Funding HR 676: The Expanded and Improved Medicaid for All Act. ” pnhp. org. July 31. 2013 7. Karen E. Lasser. David Himmelstein. and Steffie Wollhandler. “Access to Care. Health Status. and Health Disparities in the United States and Canada: Consequences of a Cross-National Population-Based Study. ” American Journal of Public Health. July 2006

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