Vikings Are Warriors From Scandinavia.

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The Vikings liked apparels and jewellery. The Vikings were proud of their visual aspect and liked to dress good. Most of their apparels were made of wool or linen that they had spun and woven themselves. The fabric was dyed with mineral or vegetable dyes of green, brown, ruddy, yellow or blue. The work forces wore sleeved jerkins or three-quarter length coats over woollen shirts and long fabric pants. On their pess they wore tall leather boots or soft places with short socks.

The adult females wore long woollen frocks and linen half-slips which reached to their mortise joints. Their legs and pess were covered with thick woolly socks and soft leather places. Both work forces and adult females wore fur or woollen chapeaus and cloaks when they went out in cold conditions. Cloaks were fastened at the shoulder with broachs. Children likely wore the same sort of apparels as their parents. Everyone liked to have on gold and Ag broachs, watchbands, necklaces, armbands and rings. Some of their jewellery was portion of the booty from foraies on foreign churches and monasteries.

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The Vikings and there war cogwheel. The Viking was non a soldier in the modern sense. He spent every bit much clip being a husbandman, crewman, bargainer and adventurer as he did contending ; and he had to supply his ain equipment. Armor to protect the organic structure took many hours of skilled work to do. It was surely expensive, and was likely worn merely by Viking rentals and their picked family warriors . The other combat work forces would hold worn their mundane apparels, trusting on an Fe helmet and a hardy wooden shield for protection. The blade was the most admired and honored arm, and many Vikings would hold carried one.

The other arm which became about the hallmark of the Norseman, was the heavy, ambidextrous battle-axe. This awful arm, swung by a large, muscular adult male, could shear through any armour. Some warriors are said to hold been able to decapitate a Equus caballus at a blow. Work force who could afford neither blade nor axe used a thrusting lance. The northern people of Europe, the Barbarians, wore warm adventitias and cloaks. They lived in colder, wetter conditions than did the people of the Mediterranean universe. They needed to wear beds of warm and comparatively close-fitted apparels. Celtic, Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon, and Viking work forces wore woollen pants of assorted manners.

Sometimes these were long and loose, or they were strapped onto the lower leg by patchs of linen or by leather lashs. A typical Barbarian closet consisted of undertunic, shirts, pants, overtunic, and cloak. Cloaks, adventitias, gowns, nighties, boots, and mittens were frequently fur lined or edged with pelt. The adult females did non wear pants, but under their long adventitias they sometimes wore leg coverings that were made of wool or linen. When it came to decorative inside informations, single civilizations had typical manners.


  1. The Viking Handbook, 1982 ( Scott Jackson )

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