Why a Master’s in Tourism Administration Suits My Background and Future Career

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The educational endeavor for every individual as part of our human right to education is indeed a very important matter to experience. This is one of the greatest achievements in life for individuals who want to have growth and development holistically. My decision to pursue a master’s degree in Tourism Administration is driven by a long-term desire to be an inspiring and effective person in the tourism field. This interest in Tourism Administration developed when I had an opportunity to be a volunteer in Royal commission for Alula and I got inspired by the idea and the vision that they want to achieve in the tourism field in the future.

After volunteering at the Royal Commission for Alula and with the accomplishment that I achieved in the bachelor degree, I was privileged to be awarded a scholarship to study the master degree in Tourism. Honestly, I have come to appreciate the commission’s work in enhancing the future of tourism, as well as how to create attractive destinations all over the world. I was greatly inspired by the notion of the Royal Commission for Alula and It motivated me to use my skills and experience to work with them in the realization of its goals and objectives in the future. I am looking forward to join George Washington University because it has an excellent track record of competent graduates who move on to provide solutions to their communities and the world.

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Over the years, I have garnered exemplary management skills and I am confident that this program will help to refine them further. I am a self-motivated and highly disciplined person with the charisma and intelligence to work in fast-paced environments requiring fast decision- making in critical moments. I have a track record for being innovative and goal-oriented in all I endeavor. I also have excellent interpersonal skills and can work with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. I am confident that this master program in this university will expose me to the right networks and sharpen the skills that I will need to collaborate with the Royal Commission for Alula in achieving its objectives.

I chose this program because I can contribute to the knowledge, development, and sharing the ideas to have a successful tourism. In a world without borders, protecting diversity has never been more critical, and we embrace the future by being grateful for what we have today and learning from our past. I intend to use my skills and learning to share in the Royal Commission for Alula’s commitment to enhance the travel and tourism in the area. In the long term, I plan to further my studies and attain strategic roles in this sector and share my competencies in a larger capacity.

I sincerely hope the university would trust my capabilities and give me the privilege of continuing my master studies at this esteemed institution. I am sure I would live up to the expectations and make optimal use of the opportunity.

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Why a Master’s in Tourism Administration Suits My Background and Future Career. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from


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