Work Trust and Relationships Essay

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Being a leader within a company means you ae to know how to effectively communicate not only to your team but to new potential consumers. Knowing how to sell what your company, or a business you work for, offers or can offer to the public. What does your company offer that other businesses don’t? Being able to boast or brag about your business’ services will allow people to better understand what they are looking at. It also shows the potential expansion of your company with possibilities of working alongside another company that might consider a partnership. It’s important for interested parties to also know how the work environment is amongst employees. This goes with employees and authority and co-workers as well. This will show the leveling fields among everyone in your company.

One of the first things a leader should do it make a connection that feels personal to their audience. When someone moves into a higher role, such as a manager, they become less reliant and trustworthy. Getting to know your team and letting them get to know you allows a trust to start forming. This can be done by everyone gathering together for a work luncheon. Also, by interacting with different areas of the company. A leader’s team should feel they are one of them essentially, just in a higher authority than the rest of them.

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To make anything in a business work, it takes a team. It is important to be as upfront with your employees as much as possible. If employees aren’t given all the facts on something going on within the company, rumors will be created to fill in the gaps. Empty gaps are normally filled with negative information. Giving information regarding performance, financial results, and board meeting info shows employees you trust them which in return allows them to trust you. A leader must also be able to deliver bad news as well.

Another way to build trust and relationships among employees is by encouraging them. A leader can easily tell their staff what to do; an effective leader will motivate their staff. Employees feel empowered when their goals along with the companies line up. Being able to take blame and give credit where credit is due is important for a leader to acknowledge among the employees. Employees do not appreciate their bosses taking full credit for work they have clearly done.

Lastly, a leader needs to be competent to build trust and relationships with employees. Employees will be able to see if their leader doesn’t know how to do their job. Leaders should also go about trainings, updating their skills, and doing what they say they are going to do. While leaders should be the go-to person for employees to go to for information, leaders need to make sure employees are aware that they are not experts on everything. Anyone, not just employees, can tell when someone is faking information that is being given to people. Just like employees, leaders should be willing to continue learning and asking questions. Employees will have a greater respect for leadership if this is done correctly (O’Hara, 2014).

Even professional relationships are built on trust and emotional connections. Sharing either personal stories or one about the start up of the company has an impact on how quickly people are going to trust you. Our brains have a neocortex, which is connected to the limbic system; which is where the feeling of a bond forming comes from. Stories provoke our emotions whether that be happy, angry, sad, worrisome, or another emotion. While feeling this emotion towards a story, it is also felt towards the person telling the story, which forms a bond or relationship between both parties involved. “As American poet Maya Angelou famously said, “People what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel”” (Dolan, 2017).

When going away for the holidays you want to feel that you are at your home away from home. Having a cabin resort type of place to stay can offer just that. As soon as guest arrive at the resort they are greeted with a warm welcome by the staff. In the greeting area there is also a lounging are for our guests and a game room for younger guest. Complimentary breakfast is offered. While also having either homecooked styled meals or a more luxury dinner option. This is a place for our guests to relax. Located near the closest tourists shopping spots; followed by a short commute to attraction areas for guests to visit. Guests will be able to feel like they are either at home or part of a small community while staying at our resort.

In conclusion, knowing how to speak to anyone you encounter has a great impact. It can be a positive move forward in keeping loyal employees, customers, and possibly being able to expand a business. Businesses should be built on trust and relationships that have formed among management and their employees. Everyone working together in a company should know that they are all working together to succeed and not against one another. Workers company wide being able to hear stories about how their efforts have greatly affected the company and kept it running at the rate it is will allow a business to keep the already great team they had from the beginning.

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Work Trust and Relationships Essay. (2021, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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