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Career Essay Examples

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Essay Examples

Researching careers in engineering



Engineering And Construction Industry

Words: 3040 (13 pages)

Mechanical engineering interests me because I’ve always had a curiosity about designing cars and buildings. As a young lad I loved constructing creations with Lego, playdough and Meccano. Presently I enjoy the two crucial subjects necessary for Mechanical Engineering, which are math and science. I have always received excellent grades in both subjects in the…

Careers in Psychology Final Paper



Words: 769 (4 pages)

Career summary: Pediatric Psychology I am interested in pediatric psychology because I love working with children and adolescence. Being an aunt to two little girls has inspired me to become a pediatric psychologist. I observe their behavior and wonder how their childhood experiences will shape their personality. Will the younger sister follow the steps of…

My Career Aspiration


Words: 421 (2 pages)

My career goal is to become a specialized doctor in either orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery, with a strong interest in cancer research. I am motivated by my desire to help those who cannot afford medical care and my passion for science. My aim is to make contributions towards finding a cure and saving lives. My…

Career Brochure Assignment



Words: 512 (3 pages)

So You Want A Pediatrician? Job Description: Pediatricians are Doctors who are specialize in the care of young people from birth to their adolescent years. They are usually involved in treating and diagnosing patients with injuries, illnesses, diseases and much more. Their first responsibility is to diagnose illnesses, and they do this by performing physical…

The Political Career of Richard Nixon


Watergate scandal

Words: 3192 (13 pages)

A few weeks after the United States entered World War II a young mannamed Richard Nixon went to Washington, D.C. In January 1942 he took a job withthe Office of Price Administration. Two months later he applied for a Navycommission, and in September 1942 he was commissioned a lieutenant, junior grade. During much of the…

Performance and Career Development Programs



Words: 596 (3 pages)

A performance and career development program is designed to help employees in a given organization to progress as fast as their talents and the available opportunities in the organization can permit. The program is designed to help team members make the most of their capabilities. Career management and development is mainly based on personal development,…

Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis Essay




Words: 3535 (15 pages)

A person’s success in an organization not only depends on his or her personality and ability, but also how he or she manages office politics and resolves conflicts. In order to successfully manage interpersonal relations within a corporate environment, one also needs to understand the power and influence structures in one’s organization. Failure to develop…

Dental Assisting Careers Research Paper



Words: 315 (2 pages)

Dental Assisting Dental Assisting Careers The dental assistant takes on significant responsibilities as a member of the dental health care team. Assistants greatly increase the efficiency of the dentist in the delivery of quality oral health care and are valuable members of the dental care team. If you have strong communication skills, enjoy working with…

College Education for Pursuing a Career



Words: 344 (2 pages)

1.In today’s society a college education is an essential part of pursuing a career. While in college a person can determine his strengths and weaknesses in whatever path he decides to take in life. A college education is also the first step in being self-sufficient and living by yourself. College life also gives a person…

John Coltrane: Life, Career and Achievements


Words: 5534 (23 pages)

“I’ve got to keep experimenting. I feel that I’m just beginning. I have part of what I’m looking for in my grasp, but not all.”John ColtraneThis phrase, from the liner notes of “My Favorite Things” clearly defines Coltrane’s life and his search for the incorporation of his spirituality with his music. John Coltrane was not…

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