A Comparison of the Similarities Between the Revolutionary War in 1775 and the War of 1812

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The Revolutionary War in 1775 and the War of 1812 share similarities and differences. Both wars involved British forces and North American colonists, but they were influenced by different factors. When the colonists settled in North America, Britain interfered with their economic and political affairs. Political meddling was evident through laws like the Quarterly Act, while economic interference occurred through laws such as the Stamp Act. These events angered the colonists, leading to rebellion and boycotts of British goods. Tensions between the colonists and Britain escalated further with incidents like the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre. Enlightened ideas, including natural rights, spread throughout the colonies, promoting a desire for independence from England. Colonial leaders even enlisted John Locke, an English writer, to create a pamphlet advocating nationalism and freedom from Britain.

In 1775, a conflict erupted in North America between the colonists and the English in order to determine control over the thirteen colonies. Prominent figures such as Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Adams led the Minute Men in various battles with differing outcomes. Encounters like the Battle of Saratoga and Bunker Hill motivated colonists to persist in their fight against the British, ultimately resulting in their defeat. Despite facing challenges such as nationalism and debts after the Revolutionary War, it had positive consequences. One notable impact was Jefferson’s drafting of the Declaration of Independence to formally declare independence from England. Furthermore, this war established a basis for a new government and contributed to today’s flourishing economy.

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As the conflict between France and England progressed, both nations increasingly impressed young American sailors and seized American ships and their cargo, negatively impacting the economy of states like New England. To address this issue, President Monroe implemented laws such as the Embargo Act of 1807 and the NonIntercourse Act, which prohibited the exportation of goods with all nations.

In 1807, a British ship attacked an American ship called the Chesapeake near an American port. This incident led to France agreeing to neutral trading, which angered Britain. In response, figures like Henry Clay urged national unity in order to confront Britain, who were also inciting Native Americans against colonial expansion. As a result, America abandoned its neutrality.

The year 1812 marked the beginning of a war known as the second war for independence between Britain and America. Led by individuals like Calhoun, Jackson, Clay, Perry, and others; American soldiers fought fiercely to prevent British domination. Victories in battles such as the Battle of New Orleans, Battle of Lake Erie,and Battle of Thames served as inspiration for young soldiers to continue fighting.

The Treaty of Ghent, which was signed in January 1815, brought the conflict between both parties to an end. The war demonstrated that neither side was making progress. Although victory was not achieved, numerous Americans viewed the war as a triumph. Following its conclusion, the United States commenced its expansion into the northwest territory. Despite facing difficulties and accumulating debt, those who survived possessed a strong sense of nationalism due to Francis Scott Key’s creation of the star-spangled banner. Furthermore, new states were established in what was previously known as the Old Northwest Territory.

Both the War of 1812 and the American Revolution occurred in North America and involved both the British and Americans. They led to increased national debt but also fostered nationalism. However, their causes and outcomes were distinct. The American Revolution was triggered by British interference in economic and political matters, while the War of 1812 was prompted by British intervention in colonial expansion, national pride, impressments of sailors, and support for France. Consequently, as a result of the American Revolution, America gained independence from England; whereas through the War of 1812, America expanded into the Old Northwest Territory. Despite happening at different times, these wars are closely linked as they involve the same countries and contribute to the growth of the United States as a nation; however, they also exhibit notable differences.

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A Comparison of the Similarities Between the Revolutionary War in 1775 and the War of 1812. (2022, Jun 10). Retrieved from


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