Advantage and Disadvantage of TV

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The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of watching television. On one hand, it is a valuable source of information that keeps us informed about current events and language teaching programs. It can also be a source of entertainment, providing relaxation after a hard day’s work. On the other hand, it can make viewers passive and prevent communication with others and the real world. Additionally, it can lead to addiction and neglect of responsibilities such as schoolwork and family duties. The author suggests that it is important to balance television viewing with other activities and interpersonal interactions to form genuine connections with others.

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Currently, a considerable number of individuals worldwide devote the majority of their leisure time to television viewing. However, from the time of its emergence, television has both benefits and drawbacks. Initially, television holds significance in our daily pursuits as it updates us on global current affairs. Presenting events via television is more visually engaging compared to books and magazines, thus expanding our knowledge in various aspects.

Language teaching programs offered through television allow us to learn languages like English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and more. Practical courses taught on television can enhance our skills in various areas such as job-related tasks, baking cakes, or arranging flowers. Additionally, television serves as a source of entertainment. Humorous stories and funny films provide a few moments of relaxation after a long day. Personally, I find it more engaging to comfortably sit in an armchair and watch an international football match on TV rather than having to wait in line for tickets at a crowded stadium. However, alongside its advantages, television also brings several disadvantages for viewers. Firstly, it causes viewers to become increasingly passive in their actions. Despite being a remarkable medium of communication, television hinders our ability to communicate with others or engage with the outside world. The world we perceive through television is limited and separates us from reality.

Television has an incredible power to captivate people of all ages, leading them to become engrossed in it. This addiction is evident as entire generations grow up hooked on TV. Students, including both pupils and students, become so absorbed in television that they forget about their school responsibilities. This includes leaving food uneaten, neglecting homework, and failing to prepare for lessons. Similarly, housewives prioritize watching television over fulfilling their duties to their husbands and children. However, it is still possible for us to gather after dinner and engage in meaningful conversation to foster better understanding and connection among family members.

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Advantage and Disadvantage of TV. (2017, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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