All Minimum Wage Paying Jobs

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“As life in America gets more important I believe that minimum wage deserves to be raised so that people are able to live more comfortably than otherwise. I chose this topic because I believe that minimum wage is important. The minimum wage was created to stabilize the economy post depression and to protect worker in labor force. It was designed to create a living standard at a minimum, leading to protecting the well-being of employees. Now that everything in America is becoming more expensive, minimum wage is becoming a bigger issue in our society. Minimum relates to my life because a majority of the jobs I am able to get at my age, and with my education is pretty slim and they are all minimum wage paying jobs. It does not allow me to have access to many things, like an apartment or being able to own my own car. Everything is extremely expensive, but have a minimum wage that is so low, makes things unattainable for me.”

“A reason to increase minimum wage would be it could decrease the amount of money the government spends on welfare. According to ProCon “The Center for American Progress reported in 2014 that raising the federal minimum wage by 6% to $10.10 would reduce spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) by 6% or $4.6 billion. [9] The Economic Policy Institute determined that by increasing the minimum wage to $10.10, more than 1.7 million Americans would no longer be dependent on government assistance programs” (Pro 3). This is saying that if minimum wage was increased, the low-income would be increased, which then leads to the government not needing to spend so much money on income-support programs, which then leads to that money being spent on something else or something better.”

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“This graph is illustrating how the minimum wage has barely increased over the last several years, but the GDP has drastically increased. That makes it very hard for people living off minimum wage to be able to survive in America today, which leads them to becoming poor.”

“A problem with increasing minimum wage would be that it could increase poverty. According to ProCon ‘The higher wages are, the higher costs of production are. The higher costs of production are, the higher prices are. The higher prices are, the smaller the quantities of goods and services demanded and the number of workers employed in producing them” (Con 2). By increasing minimum wage, it increases everything associated with employment, money, demand, etc.”

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All Minimum Wage Paying Jobs. (2021, Jun 09). Retrieved from

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