Analysis of Employee Qualities Through a Testing Program

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The 360 degree feedback is a program which participants answer a range of answer for those have the same working environment with them and these information will kept confidential. No individual responses will be discussed in the report and the anonymity of the participants is guaranteed. The data information of survey will provide by himself/ herself, peers, colleagues, supervisor and customer and then resulted in 360 degree feedback report. These information as a source given a viewpoint into the employee’s behaviour and attitudes towards the customer.

Firstly, self-assessment. This is the most effective evaluation tool for improving employee’s performance by evaluating themselves. Frontline employees may list down theirs strengthens and weakness before attend the training programs. In order to understand themselves better, self-assessment can focus on employee’s weakness and make the improvement. For examples, those employees have no patience listen to customer’s questions or requirements, they may attend training and learn the willingness to help the customer with communicating softly and mannerly at specific skills. Therefore, employees will know about the importance of communication among human. Besides, Jetstar Airways also using the benchmark to compare with the data provided by other people who have given feedback.

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Next, peers and colleagues which are the people who are closest and working in same environment which interfaces each other participants. Peers and colleagues given the distinct point of view and can measures the serving quality in a deeper and detail compared to others. Review and feedback from peers and colleagues bring benefits to the effectiveness and standards of Jetstar Airways. Peers and colleagues feedback can be obtained on services materials, through customer service counter. These review and feedback are an effective way to determines frontline employees that could contribute from development opportunities such as training and learning activities.

Jetstar Airways can use CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Surveys) to understand the level of customer satisfaction to measure and evaluate frontline employee’s service performance. High levels of customer satisfaction are important determinants of maintaining long-term customer relationship, loyalty and retention. This tool shows customer needs, expectations and demands to Jetstar Airways, and company will understand its frontline employee’s service problem issues such as sent wrong body language, serve customers rudely.

CAST (Customer Satisfaction Surveys) can be given to customers at customer service counter when after frontline employees serviced customers with helping them check-in process or solved their problems such as reporting their languages lost. Other than that, customers also allowed to fill in the feedback or improvement survey form for Jetstar Airways through the official online page or put it into the suggestion box. Jetstar Airways also may send the surveys through email to its customers two times in one year. The purpose is to measure the levels of customer satisfaction in how employees solve these problem issues and service performance provided. For example, How well is the frontline employees doing on customer service? What attitudes and behaviours employees have? As a result, Jetstar Airways will unlock some new views that they didn’t expect it.

At the end of the training session, every trainee can present its recommendations to the trainer and their top management. Although there are many of these recommendations have been implemented, resulting in such changes as new process improvement programs. Also, as part of the program, top management chooses one or two actions that they will commit for positively influencing customer service performance value. These actions are part of the top management’s performance review. Besides, the feedback forms and verbal comments will be distributed before starting the training sessions and collected at the end of training sessions. Jetstar Airways can review these feedback forms to implement other improvements.

100 frontline employee of Jetstar Airways compulsory take part in “Faith in Fly with us” training program and gather in company’s hall. Therefore, equipment and facilities can be used cost-free. Next, the cost for professional trainer named as Ms.Tan Meei Yin is RM1, 000. Besides, there is RM 202 for mineral water, RM2 per bottle which has prepared for our professional trainer, Ms Tan Meei Yin and also included 100 trainees. Lastly, the stationary expenses such as will provide by the Jetstar Airways and its costing RM150. Total training cost is RM1, 352 (RM1, 000 + RM 202 + RM 150).

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Analysis of Employee Qualities Through a Testing Program. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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