The Hidden Illness of John Nash

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In the movie, Mr.. Nash displayed all the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenic. John Nash suffered from delusions of persecution. He believed a tattoo of numbers was imprinted on his forearm so he could be a secret agent working for the government, breaking Soviet Union codes, and that a secret communists organization was out to do him harm. Nash also suffered from visual and auditory hallucinations. He hallucinates he has a roommate while attending college with whom he often has conversations and takes advice from.

He also imagines there is a small girl with the roommate, as well as other people, through-out the movie. These false thoughts are completely separated from reality but very vivid in his Nash was eventually committed to a psychiatric hospital, where he was given insulin shock therapy, five times a week for ten weeks. Upon his release he was given anti-psychotic medication, which after a time Nash stopped taking. It was after this time he realized the little girl, in his mind, was not getting older so Coccid not possibly be real. This was a turning point for Nash.

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Rather than be committed again, he choose to ignore the appearance of the people that were only in his mind. Mr.. Nash still suffers from hallucinations and periodically has to check with someone if new people he meets are real, but ultimately he has developed the ability to live with and with medication can largely control his mental problems. Eventually, Nash begins to teach at the university and is honored by being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Would not recommend insulin shock therapy because it is evident that it is not sufficient as a sole form of treatment for schizophrenia. Psychotherapists. Erg) Insulin shock therapy causes an individual a great deal of pain and suffering as they go thru the treatments. I do not feel there is enough information from research to support the practice of insulin shock therapy. I would, however, encourage a treatment consisting of antispasmodic, antidepressant, and mentality medication with individual and family support therapy. I believe a life-long regimen of antispasmodic medications and psychotherapy would be far better than insulin shock therapy. Felt the movie was intense at times.

However, it gave me great insight and some understanding about what Mr.. Nash and other individuals suffer through, on a daily basis, when they have paranoid schizophrenia. Part B Stanford Prison Experiment believe the reason the “good guards” did not object to the treatment the prisoners received from the tougher guards during the Stanford Prison experiment was because the treatment was not directed towards them. They may have been fearful that if they objected the tough guards would degrade, intimidate or physically abuse them as well.

Let us remember that no one involved in this experiment knew each other, what their normal behavior was, or o what extreme they might go to make sure their rules where followed. I believe all the individuals got caught up in the experiment very quickly and being in the atmosphere of a prison became real to them. Even though these individuals volunteered for the experiment they were not told in the ad exactly what would happen if they were chosen to participate. They were, in fact, arrested by real policemen, finger printed, booked, and taken to what looked like a real prison.

It would be only natural for their minds to believe that all that was happening o quickly was real. Due to the unjust treatment by the guards, the prisoners tried to work within the prison system, to do what they were told, to maintain their safety, because they believed it was a real prison. The guards and prisoners took over their roles automatically and very precisely in a short amount of time. Therefore, I believe it was human instinct of survival that prompted the behavior of the guard brutality. The tough guard’s natural temperament and disposition in real life was to be mean and naturally aggressive to maintain control oftener lives.

The brutality towards the prisoners was a natural reaction of emotions from the guards based on the actions of the prisoners. I do not believe conducting the Stanford Prison Study was ethical. From the beginning the ad did not explain the study thoroughly. The participants were not given enough information to make a sound decision when they volunteered concerning the actual experiment. They were not told they would be humiliated, degraded, or caused physical harm. The prisoners were not protected from the psychological distress of this experiment.

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The Hidden Illness of John Nash. (2018, May 07). Retrieved from

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