Boys Should Learn to Cook

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The author believes that boys should learn to cook because it is a lifelong skill that will benefit them in many ways. Being able to cook means they will never go hungry and can save money by not having to eat out all the time. It also gives them the ability to hold gatherings and help out their working wives. Additionally, cooking well could lead to job opportunities or even the ability to start their own food business. The author argues that boys should not be limited by gender stereotypes and should learn this valuable skill.

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Boys should learn to cook Cooking is something that is mostly associated with girls. By the time a girl enters adolescence, she is expected to learn all the skills of cookery. Gone is the time when education was just for boys and girls were expected to sit at home and do all the chores and cook for the husband. Now as far as I know, girls and boys are.. equal. Am I right? Then why should boys not learn to cook? I strongly believe that boys should learn to cook. First and foremost, being able to cook is a lifetime skill.

Having learned to cook, a person need not fear that he goes hungry if there is no one around to cook for him. A boy who can cook has many advantages over one who cannot. If he is a latchkey kid, he does not have to buy food for himself each time he wishes to fill his stomach. Instead, he can easily whip up something simple yet nutritious at home. Many men marry late these days, and they live away from home. Being bachelors on their own, they would have to eat our all the time if they cannot cook. That may be very costly and at the same time, not too healthy. If they can cook, meals would no longer be a worry.

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They can even hold small gatherings in their abodes without having to worry about food for these gatherings. Most married men have working wives. If they could help in the cooking occasionally, instead of depending on their wives to cook every meal, the latter would surely be very appreciative! That would give their wives more time to rest, which would make them happier and in turn, fewer quarrels would erupt due to fatigue. Another plus point would be that they would also be able to cook for special occasions, an act which would be more meaningful than simply buying gifts.

Most of the top chefs around are men. So those men who can cook may apply to work as chefs or cooks. The ability to cook, and cook well, may even help them out during hard times because if they are unable to get employment, they can always set up food stalls! A man who is able to cook has an edge in life over one who cannot. He does not need to worry about who is going to cook his next meal, or worry that his wife-to-be may not be a good cook. He may choose to work for someone, or simply be his own boss! Hence, I think that boys should certainly learn to cook.

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Boys Should Learn to Cook. (2016, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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