Causes of Prejudice

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In his essay “Cause of Prejudice,” Vincent N. Parrillo explores the presence of racism and prejudice throughout human history, as well as the efforts to comprehend and combat this behavior in the United States. The essay is divided into two sections by Parrillo, with one section analyzing psychological causes and the other examining social reasons.

Parillo explains that there are psychological causes, such as levels of prejudices (cognitive, emotional and action-oriented), self-justification, personality and frustration. He also addresses social reasons like socialization, economic competition and social norms. Parillo supports his arguments with historical facts, actual facts and statistics, making his essay credible. Another essay, “C. P. Ellis” by Studs Terkel, can also provide insights into the causes of prejudice.

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Terkel recounts the tale of C. P. Ellis, an ex-Klansman who asserts he has shed his racist beliefs. C. P. Ellis, a white individual from a low-income background, joins the Ku Klux Klan due to a series of misfortunes in his life. However, certain occurrences prompt him to recognize that race does not greatly distinguish one person from another. This realization gradually helps him overcome his racist views. Ellis even agrees to collaborate with Ann Atwater, an African American woman, on a project funded by a grant.

The narrative below explores the factors that contribute to individuals adopting racist beliefs and attitudes. C. P. Ellis’s personal account sheds light on the underlying reasons that led him to become a prominent member and leader of the Ku Klux Klan. By analyzing Parillo’s essay, we aim to determine whether Ellis’s motivations align with Parillo’s theories on the origins of prejudice, thus evaluating whether psychological and social factors alone can sufficiently explain racial discrimination.

Parillo’s essay proposes that C. P. Ellis’s racist actions can be explained by psychological factors like frustration and low self-esteem, as well as the social element of economic competition. When we delve into Ellis’s background, we find that he grew up in a low-income family where he faced mockery from his peers due to his insufficient attire. Consequently, Ellis developed a sense of inferiority in comparison to others. At seventeen years old, after his father passed away, he assumed the role of supporting his family.

Ellis, who previously worked at a gas station and started a family with four children, one of whom had mental and visual disabilities, faced financial difficulties due to the extra expenses associated with their care. Despite this, he chose to take out a loan in order to buy the gas station. Unfortunately, right before completing the repayment of the loan, Ellis suffered a heart attack and was unable to fulfill his payment obligation. These unfortunate circumstances left him feeling incredibly frustrated. Consequently, he began attributing his personal misfortunes to individuals of African descent. Parillo’s essay emphasizes that “frustrations typically result in heightened hostility towards others” (583).

Furthermore, the individual or group experiencing frustration tends to channel their anger towards a more visible, vulnerable, and socially acceptable target (583). This is precisely what occurred when Ellis expressed, “I struggled to find someone to blame. I eventually targeted black people. I needed a target for my hatred” (593). Ellis believed it was necessary to redirect his frustration towards someone else. Due to his unfortunate circumstances, he sought individuals whom he could hold accountable, as it is often simpler to assign blame rather than accepting personal responsibility for one’s destiny. Ellis’ adoption of racist views stemmed from his ongoing frustration.

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Causes of Prejudice. (2017, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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