Models of Biological Incomprehensibilities

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Building models of Biological Incomprehensibility’s: 1 . Which functional groups are involved in budding a covalent bond between these amino acids? Amine and Carboxylic acid = Amide 2. When the covalent bond is built between Elaine and glycogen, which functional group will Elaine use for peptide bond? Carboxylic Acid 3. When the covalent bond Is built between Elaine and glycogen, which functional group will glycogen use for peptide bond? Amine 4.

When the covalent bond Is built between glycogen and Elaine, which functional roof will Elaine use for peptide bond? Carboxylic Acid; the NOON group of forms the peptide bond. 5. When the covalent bond is built between glycogen and Elaine, which functional part 2: Fat. Questions: 6. Which functional group will be given by glycerol? OH Group (alcohol) 7. Which functional group will be given by butyric acid? Carboxylic Acid 8. What is a difference between fatty acids found in fats and oils? Saturated fats are solid (butter) unsaturated fats are liquid (olive oil) and are double bonded 9.

Apart: Carbohydrates. . Which functional groups are Involved making the glycoside bond? Alcohol 2. How many sugars are contained In a disaccharide? Give example of a disaccharide. Two Sucrose (Maltose) 3. 4. Complete the table below (Table 1). Table l: Name of the Carbohydrate Names of component sugars Source of the carbohydrate and function Maltose Glucose, Glucose Wheat/ Barley 2 Sucrose Glucose, Fructose Sugar Cane, Fruit 3 Lactose Calaboose, Glucose Milk 4 Starch Glucose (poly) Potatoes 5 Cellulose Cotton Part 5: Nucleic Acids

DNA and RNA are two main types of nucleic acids in a cell. DNA is the stored genetic information in an organism while RNA has many different functions such as serving as a messenger for protein synthesis, making ribosome, participating in protein synthesis and regulatory roles. Complete the following table (Table 2) about the composition of DNA and RNA. Table 2: Sugar Phosphate present? Nitrogen base DNA 2 didgeridoos Yes RNA Ribose Yes (No T, Replaced with U) 1 . What is the difference between ribose and didgeridoos?

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Models of Biological Incomprehensibilities. (2017, Oct 01). Retrieved from

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