Client Profile – College Girl

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The client we have chosen is a college going girl from the national capital New Delhi. Aged between 18-21 years, belonging to a higher middle class family. Being a college going girl she tends to be more playful by her nature. She likes to roam around the shops and look for da new arrivals. She gets good pocket money and spends the half of it on clothes, and rest on other expenses. Her style of dressing indicates that she is no religious view for her dressing n likes to wear all kinds of garments.

Her fathers’ monthly income is good enough. She enjoys being more comfortable in easy-wear clothes of playful striking colours. The is a happy lively girl with lots of happenings and fun around her. She is presently an apprentice at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, studying fashion design. This is what her perception towards fashion is obvious and knows the dressing sense according to the time and place. This characteristic shows that she is sensible about what she is wearing. What is a mood board?

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Mood boards, being a lot like they sound, are typically used to help establish a style, theme, expression, environment, atmosphere, or feeling. They often consist of found objects from magazine tear outs or digital imagery to fabric or color swatches, but really can be anything that inspires (like a favorite saying, or phrase, for example). We’ll collect these inspirational tidbits to help establish a general look and feel direction prior to jumping head first into a full, precise design. It’s all about starting loosely and getting specific as you progress through the design process.

A mood board is a tool used by designers to help them get a good idea of what their clients are looking for. Mood boards are basically collages of items such as photographs, sketches, clippings, fabric swatches and color samples. A mood board can be actual or virtual. A mood board is used by many different types of designers such as those in fashion and interior design A decorating mood board often contains magazine clippings of furnishings that inspire the design concept. Sketches and a floor plan are also usually included on the board.

Paint chips and other color swatches are also featured on a decorating mood board. The client can view the mood board and decide whether he or she likes the main design concepts the board represents. A fashion mood board usually has sketches of garments as the main focus of the board. Fashion mood boards may also have magazine clippings or other sketches of what inspired the designer such as pictures of ocean waves for the design of a dark blue silk gown. Trimming details and ribbon could also be on a fashion mood board.

Mood boards are a great way for designers to present their take on a theme to clients. For example, if a client tells a designer that he or she wants something cozy or airy those feelings could be created in many different ways. By putting the ideas on a mood board first, the designer can make sure the client likes the ideas. You don’t have to be a professional designer to create a mood board. It’s possible to make your own mood board and get in touch with your own moods and tastes in the process.

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Client Profile – College Girl. (2017, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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