Communication Assignment

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Using guidance from course texts, observe and identify examples of communication techniques in the practicum setting. Based on your observations, is communication effective? Why or why not? This is so important because as a teacher on the dimensions of high school teaching provides powerful evidence of the importance of helping students to organize their time. T is crucial that instructors organize and clearly enunciate their expectations to students from the start, especially in terms of assignments, because students need and appreciate the opportunity to manage their time and coursework. This is also critical, simply being clear about what you’re doing and why you are doing it. You need to be able to explain all you give to students and why. Task 2: Using guidance from course texts, practice effective communication techniques in your practicum setting.

For example, arrange with your practicum teacher to greet students as they enter the classroom. How do students respond to communication experiences? Does the location of your interaction influence student response? For example, do students respond differently on the playground or in the cafeteria than they do in the classroom? Yes is different everywhere for example when I teach a P. E. Class immediately when the students come in the basketball gym I say Clap 123 everybody knows they have to clap 3 times and listen to what I have to say. In the classroom it is completely different.

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When they come in they sit in their chairs, and start their ell work is 5 minutes and they do not get the points daily if they come in late or if they don’t do it that’s 15 points it automatically drops your grade to a B. But started this from the first day of school know it is a routine they know what they have to do. If there is a visitor in the classroom we introduce ourselves in the beginning of the class. If there is a visitor in the gym and were all in there when we have a water break or just a break the first thing they do is introduce themselves to the teacher and where are they from.

Mrs.. Karen Williams got to experience this with 70 kids in the gym when she was observing me. All kids went to her and introduce themselves. Discipline is all how you do it. Task 3: Reflect and report in writing about the effective communication techniques you identified and your personal experiences practicing these techniques. Include citations and references from the Jensen and Wong course texts as well as 1 or more additional resources. Web Discussion This strategy helps students visualize the key elements of an issue and quickly identify opposing points of view on the matter.

Teachers distribute a selected reading that elicits clearly defined opposing viewpoints. A discussion web organizer can be used by the student/small group to identify the main question of the text. The student/small group will note the pros/cons of the reading on the graphic organizer as well as their final conclusion. The group will also place their conclusion on an index card. Collect the cards and tally the responses.

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Communication Assignment. (2018, Jun 06). Retrieved from

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