Briefly explain how the concept of stimulus and response applies to Steven. The concept of the Stimulus – Response Theory describes an external neutral signal /event (stimulus) (to unconditionally and automatically trigger (a behavior or reflex. (Response). The theory explains how individuals learn new behaviors by experiencing pleasurable( outcomes and not responding to external stimuli if the outcome is not pleasurable. ( Identifies, actions that follow behavior and how these actions affect the future. Associating this concept with Steven would be his: Development of his “Saint, Sinner”: Highlights the impact of his relationship (with his parents in forming and reinforcing( certain behavior (patterns (in his life. The underlying response formation( of not being heard (or attended to as a child and having over controlling parents with high expectations. ( Parents Control, Sneaking Out. : To satisfy his urge for Freedom (with out the fear of negative reprimand from his parents. Ultimatum (of getting married and staying in the business, Getting Married Working in the family business rather than creating his own( path – based n personal desires and wishes( -and face the negative( consequences on this life style and self- identity. ( 2. Briefly explain how the concept of conditioning could apply to Steven. The concept of classical conditioning refers to the learning by association. ( This is the(The result of pairing an unconditioned stimulus (USC) with a conditioned stimulus (CSS) Which occurs when a neutral stimulus( is capable of eliciting (To draw a response from someone) (a certain involuntary response. They are already in the individual and are circumstantially drawn out )( CAP,2013). I would leave off the brackets, UT do use them for the reference. Environment through conditioning. All behavior is learnt from the Neutral Stimulus: Rules – Parent’s Conditions( Unconditioned Stimulus: Approval / Disapproval( Unconditioned Response: Fear / Guilt ( Conditioned Stimulus: Rules( Conditioned Response: Obey( Stevens creation of the ” Saint and Sinner “was his adaptive (behavior to his stimulus / he his behavior response( was the maladaptive( behavior of sneaking out to engage in Alcohol and Sexual Activities.
Steven as a teenager saw these activities as rewards (for being a dutiful and adhering to the strict rules t home. This affected his Adult life as with his relationship with his wife. If his wife started to control (him, his response would be repeated (with the same maladaptive (behavior with the outcome of divorce. ( Stevens dysfunctional (and non-productive (behavior (maladaptive) (was his unconditioned (response to avoiding situations( because he thought that it would help reduces (his fears and anxiety( over his parent’s interaction with him.
Instead, they produced non-productive behavior, ( which did not alleviate the actual problem in the long term. (You’ve got it! 3. Briefly explain how positive and negative reinforcement can be applied to Stevens experience. Reinforcement Interventions systematically reinforce desirable (behaviors and reduce (or eliminate( events (reinforces: ( events that increases (the chance of the behavior reoccurring) related with dysfunctional (behaviors. Positive and Negative reinforcement are strongly effective if they influence motivation. This strategy focuses not only on the systematic reinforcement of desirable behaviors, but also on the elimination (of stimuli that reinforce( maladaptive behavior. Positive Reinforcement: Positive consequences that strengthens( a particular behavior. Negative Reinforcement: the removal (of a negative consequence (in order to strengthen behavior. Saint – In his parent’s eyes gave him the approval reward from his parents (positive reinforcement) to avoid the negative reinforcement of his parent’s withdrawal (not being attended to). Correct.
Sinner – sneaking out allows him to fulfill his desire for freedom and to be part and accepted with his peer( group – reward. (At the same time avoiding( the consequences( he did not want to deal with -his parents judgment, disapproval. Negative reinforcement) Positive and negative Reinforcement cemented his behavior. (Well done. Reinforcement is always to strengthen (the behavior and increase (the recurrence (of this positive acceptable and healthy behavior. ( For ongoing reinforcement with Steven, identifying(good the consequences or outcomes if he continues this unhealthy and unacceptable behavior.
Support Steven to acknowledge( his unacceptable( behavior and agree to work on change. (nice Focusing on his relationship (with his children and teach him to be a caring( role model( for his children. Reward: He still gets to see his hillier. ( Bring awareness to Steven if he does not change his behavior of Alcohol abuse and sexual activity the outcome will affect his relationship with his children: (Consequence: Not being able to see his children. (true. 4. Briefly describe the environmental factors you would take into account in working with Steven.
Environmental factors: is the how the interaction with the environment influences our behavior. ( Bandeau social cognitive theory (date) in relation to environmental factors and behavioral development suggests “that there is also an active thinking process linking our behavior and its uniqueness. ” Reference with page number as this is a quote. He argues that this thinking process sets humans apart from other animals and creates a more active process for humans in their choice of behavior.
Bandeau date also suggests that humans are “more affected by what they believe will happen than by the consequences they actually encounter” (CAP, 2013. P. ?? ). If a quote include page number. The environmental factors taken into account would be his social environment. ( Stevens home life Relationship with his parents, peers, wife. ( Stevens home life and relationship with his parents was the foundation for his maladaptive future development. Stevens inability to have control and make decisions, lack of attention, lack of freedom lack of ownership and lack of self control and awareness growing up due to his parents controlling, organized and dominant interaction / relationship with him influenced his dysfunctional( behavior. Stevens environment growing( up ((childhood environment) reflected his inability to positively adapt as an Adult. His relationship with this wife (married environment) suffered and the ensconce was divorce. Sashes learned associations between external stimuli and the response of the individual form the basis of development.
Adaptive associations result in ‘normal’ development while ‘abnormal’ development results from maladaptive associations. (CAP, 2013. 5. Describe how you would apply behavioral concepts in working with Steven to change his behavior. Applying behavioral concepts to Steven would be to explain techniques( or skills( to alter( his unhealthy or unhelpful behavior. (good For example, Stevens’ behavior of alcohol and extra – marital sexual behavior ay be because he has negative thoughts( and feelings( about himself.
Negative thoughts, feelings and behavior will reduce as the person discovers they can enjoy and be accepted in social (yes social environment is very important to him and will be a hard one to work round as he receives many rewards here and personal relationships. By providing Steven with books and pamphlets will encourage Steven to learn about his behavior. By increasing Stevens knowledge (of his psychological problem hopefully eliminate( any fears( about the counseling process and reduce his anxiety( and negative linings, (thoughts and behaviors. Lovely Getting Steven to keep journal (of his day-to-day activities( from one session to another and bring the journal to each session for discussion. (good strategy. Developing a list of goals great with Steven that he wishes to achieve from the counseling process gives Steven the confidence and strength to change his behavior. (Goals set will have to be practical(super strategies and achievable (baby steps). Yeah! Love baby steps- that is how we get there- nice and steady! For example, overcoming his insensitivity to his partners needs.