Impressive Diversity of Nature on Earth

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Pictures of nature on Earth are surprisingly diverse. Somewhere there is an equatorial forest. Somewhere boundless areas are covered by grassy coverage or hot harmful.

The nature of vegetation depends on the amount of heat and moisture. Where there is enough heat and moisture, for the forest. Where there is enough heat, but little moisture, grassy sensations are present (steppes, savannahs). And where there is very little moisture – deserts. The more heat and moisture, the richer the plant world. At the equator and near it, it is very warm and humid all year round. Equatorial forests grow there. The further colder it is from the equator, the darker it is.

Near the North Pole of the Earth is constantly cold. Ice deserts are presented here. This space is covered with ice and snow. Only very few plants and animals can live in such conditions. Ice deserts also extend at the South Pole. Although it is called the South Pole, like the North Pole, it is located far from the equator.

The tundra is inhabited by only a few plants and animals that can adapt to fairly harsh living conditions. The plants are dominated by mosses and lichens. There are sedges, wild rosemary, cranberries, blueberries in the swamps. Occasionally there is a dwarf birch and a dwarf willow. They are very small, with curved trunks. The tundra is inhabited by reindeer, arctic foxes, and many species of birds.

Steppes belong to the south of mixed forests. Summers are dry and hot, winters are cold and snowy. The steppe is the realm of herbs. Stepuns predominate among animals.

Further south of the brain, less and less falls. There are deserts with cold winters and hot summers. The temperature in the summer in the shade can reach 45 degrees, the sand heats up above 80 degrees. The vegetation of the desert is very sparse: rare blades of grass, shrubs and low lonely trees (saxaul, camel thorn). From animals here there are camels, ground squirrels, jerboas, monitor lizards, snakes. From the heat, many animals hide in burrows, burrow into the sand. Some evolving lifestyles, the hottest periods hibernate.

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