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Essay Examples

Should Non-Violent Drug Offenders Be Remanded to Drug Court



Words: 2583 (11 pages)

Moore_Argument Essay February 18, 2013 Should Non-Violent Drug Offenders Be Remanded to Drug Court Pablo Rayo Montano and Rita Faye Myers two people in comparison, entirely different, yet both are currently incarcerated on drug related charges. The only commonality shared with the two incarcerations is the word “drug” the severity and the type of crimes…

Things that Describe Me



Words: 322 (2 pages)

I would slightly disagree with the moral decision making aspect of this stage, because the avoidance of punishment. My mother is Latin and she is the authority of physical consequences in the house. I feel part of the reason why is because it is from the way she was raised and the fact my dad…

Susan Glaspell’s Jury of Her Peers – A Moral Argument


Words: 946 (4 pages)

As Mrs. Peters, the sheriff’s wife, in Susan Glaspell’s Jury of Her Peers, I was initially torn between my belief in upholding the law and identifying with the plight of a fellow female whom, I believe, needlessly suffered domestic abuse. As the sheriff’s wife and acquaintance of Minnie Wright who was held in custody by…

Issues of Minority Criminals

Attachment theory



Juvenile delinquency


Words: 3331 (14 pages)

            In the increasing debate of minority criminals and their proneness towards recidivism, there exists the issue of rehabilitation.  In point of fact the entire issue of minority delinquency hinges upon the ability of the offender to re-enter society not as a criminal but as a redemptive individual ready to become a working part of…

12 Angery Men Moral Dilemma


Words: 870 (4 pages)

The film “Twelve Angry Men” centers around the trial of a young boy who stands accused of murdering his father. If found guilty, he will face the death penalty. While the jury members are aware of the gravity of this outcome, most show indifference towards condemning the boy to die. Nonetheless, one juror endeavors to…

A Comparison of Discipline Models


Words: 296 (2 pages)

When analyzing Wong’s Pragmatic Classroom, Kagan, Kyle, and Scott’s win-win discipline, and Morrish’s Real Discipline in terms of comparison and contrast. Students are given the choose to what they feel is good for them to do. Students, teacher and parents are involved in the rule making. Help students understand each other’s responsibilities along with what…

Porn Moral Or Immoral



Words: 620 (3 pages)

In this twenty-four hours and age there are so many dependences in the universe, that we overlook one of the worst. Of class, we have drugs, we have alcohol, and many others similar to these. But we frequently take for granted an increasing dependence, largely among immature grownup work forces. The universe wants us to…

Humoral and cell-mediated immunity



Words: 1202 (5 pages)

Introduction Humoral immunity, also referred to as the antibody-mediated system, is a form of immunity that depends on macromolecules discovered in extracellular fluids. It differs from cell-mediated immunity and includes secreted antibodies, complement proteins, and specific antimicrobial peptides. The term “humoral” is utilized because it describes substances existing in body fluids, which are also known…

Moral Ambiguity in as I Lay Dying Sample

As I Lay Dying


Words: 392 (2 pages)

Although about every character in the novel As I Lay Diing by William Faulkner could be considered morally equivocal. or seen as holding assorted ethical motives. Addie Bundren tops the list. She narrates merely one chapter in the book which is juxtaposed by the description of her by other storytellers in predating and following chapters….

The Dilemma of Deciding the Fate of Another Life


Words: 1990 (8 pages)

It is not an everyday occurrence that someone must decide the fate of another’slife. The dilemma of making a decision that someone must die in order for theothers to survive, can obviously be troubling. The process in which thetermination of one’s life may be easy to make, but to justify that decision isthe most difficult…

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