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Essay Examples
Hyperpluralism in California
Pluralism is defined in social science as a social system based on mutual respect for each other’s cultures among various groups that make up a society, wherein subordinate groups do not have to forsake their lifestyle and traditions but, rather, can express their culture and participate in the larger society free of prejudice. (Merriam, G….
The Northern District of California
Epistemology is the study of knowledge, and Ontology the study of being. Each serves a crucial role in allowing us to come to grips with understanding the world around us, and processes in our everyday environments. With this significant basis in mind, this essay attempts to discuss the roles of epistemology and ontology by analyzing…
Native 1 California
California, being the third largest state in the United States of America, naturally will have a good division of geographical regions. This division entails a diverse climate, landforms, and cultures which people live by. The life of all civilizations is their people. And what characterizes a people is not only their physical appearance, but more…
San Gabriel Mission
Mission San Gabriel was founded on September 8, 1771 by fathers Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera. The planned site for the Mission was along the banks of the Rio de los Temblores (the River of the Earthquakes—the Santa Ana River). The priests chose an alternate site on a fertile plain located directly alongside the Rio…
The California Highway Patrol
While many believe that the main goal of the California Highway Patrol is to catch speeders, issue tickets, and solely monitor highways, their responsibilities include more diverse tasks. These include serving as safety dispatchers, helicopter pilots, and officers. All these duties align with the California Highway Patrol’s mission statement to guarantee the highest level of…
California and Drought Indicators
California is a state that has gone through many years of being in drought. Several people have different opinions and perspectives about the droughts that have occurred, there is many people and things being blamed. There are different reasons that caused the state of California to go into drought, some of those reasons are things…
Essay About California Mussel
Distinctive Features The Mytilus Californianus, also referred to as the California mussel is often found clustered in large aggregations. They have byssal threads on the end of their shell which allow them to get attached to the rocks as well as each other. The shell of a California mussel has a thick exterior and has…
California Infrastructure; Highways, Interstates, and Bridges
People from all over the world come here to live out their dreams. California is home to the first gold nugget ever found, Disneyland, Hollywood, the golden gate bridge, historic route 66, many National Parks, Alcatraz, and the worst roads in all of the United States (Ingraham). California is among the top five states with…
Short-Handled Hoe
“The Short-Handled Hoe Think Piece” focuses on the significance of the short-handled hoe in the memories of Mexican and Mexican American migrant workers who contributed to California’s thriving agricultural industry, as highlighted by Smithsonian’s History Explorer. This tool, used primarily for thinning and weeding crops, was believed by growers to be more precise and effective…
People In California
People in CaliforniaPeople in California wanted mail. The telegraph line was not connected that far west in 1860, and trains did not pass the Missouri river. It took almost took a month to get a letter by ship or stage coach. That’s why the Pony Express was started.In the mid 1800’s gold was discovered in…