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Essay Examples

Problem Statement of Baby Dumping




Words: 333 (2 pages)

Child is a priceless give form god. Unfortunately cases such as baby dumping still happening in our country. Baby dumping is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. Baby dumping mean the act that throw away the baby any where or leaving alone and without take…

Nature vs. Nurture: Childhood Abuse Leading to Intimate Partner Violence

Child Abuse

Nature Vs Nurture

Words: 1578 (7 pages)

Introduction Genetics and environments impact the way we develop as humans, and the way we act in society, but often one has more of an impact that the other. In this case I chose to argue that environmental, nurture, impacts abusive behavior more than genetics do. I believe that a person who has experienced abuse…

Principles of Child Development and Learning Assignment

Child Development


Words: 462 (2 pages)

The principles of Child Development, listed from most to least important in my opinion, reflect the deliberate choices teachers make based on their understanding of how children learn and develop. The programs and curriculum are specifically created to captivate the children’s curiosity and encourage them to investigate the bridges and tunnels they are building. Teachers…

The American Academy of Pediatrics


Corporal punishment


Words: 772 (4 pages)

Is corporal punishment My general purpose is to persuade my audience My specific purpose is to inform my audience on that corporal punishment is not a healthy way of educating kids. My central idea Is that corporal punishment is not an effective way to In force rules or educate kids properly. Introduction I. Good morning…

Texting Among Teens Provide Unsafe Measures


Words: 322 (2 pages)

Technology today has provided many with the ability to communicate without using words but with phones that have text messaging. Even though sending a quick note to friends and relatives, parents should be able to remove the ability of texting from phones because of the safety of teenagers from using texting as a measure of…

Moral decadence among teenagers


Words: 3603 (15 pages)

By abiding to the examples and Sunnah (prophetic traditions) taught by the Prophet s.a.w, morality among the Muslim adolescents should be evident. But, the morality scenario is worsened. It is posited that awareness and appreciation of the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w among the Muslim adolescents is low. Therefore, this research aims at assessing the…

Breast Feeding vs Bottle Feeding




Words: 348 (2 pages)

Many Moms’ have questioned what’s best for their child, breast or bottle feeding? Breast feeding goes back to biblical times. The bible mentions breast feeding in several passages. Most mammals feed their young this way. Studies have shown that infants, who were breast fed gain weight better, are smarter and healthier. Researchers have found that…

An American Childhood


Words: 387 (2 pages)

Annie Dillard, in her book “An American Childhood”, showcases her privileged upbringing through various instances. Examples of her family’s affluence include her extracurricular activities like piano lessons and dance classes. Instead of being burdened with responsibilities at a young age, she reminisces about enjoyable and educational experiences. One such instance is documented on page 30,…

My Thinking in Regards to My Own Teaching Career

Early childhood education


Words: 2739 (11 pages)

Introduction This essay seeks to focus on two main concepts that have influenced my thinking in regards to my own teaching career. My personal interest in the two concepts have opened up a window of opportunity for me to critically evaluate the overlapping influences that have impacted my teaching as a new born lecturer in…

Transition: Research and Early Childhood Transitions


Words: 1336 (6 pages)

Introduction Transitions are now recognised as central to young children’s experiences and well-being, as well as a powerful integrative framework for research. This review surveys major conceptual tools that shed light on different aspects of early childhood transitions. The objectives are twofold: 1) to review major research perspectives on early childhood transitions and 2) to…

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