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College Essay Examples Page 34

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Essay Examples

Organizational Behavior. What do I want to do with my MBA degree?


Words: 1287 (6 pages)

What do I want to do with my MBA degree? I constantly ask myself this question after I received my acceptance letter from Southern Oregon University (SOU). The answer is quite simple. I want to challenge myself. I want to be more than just a bench work Research Scientist. I want to enter the different…

Study and Exams: The ACT and SAT


Words: 888 (4 pages)

The ACT and SAT are entrance exams used to make decisions by universities and colleges. Many citizens spend their teenage years in the United states preparing for the SAT and ACT. Nonetheless, these admission exams have been considered optional or completely unnecessary by more colleges and universities in recent years, often to encourage a more…

The SAT: Just a Number?


Words: 733 (3 pages)

Yes, these are just only numbers, but are they really? People have gotten anxiety by hearing or seeing a number so little, yet it can have a tremendous impact on one’s “future” as one has been told. Those are numbers that one can get on the Standardized Assessment Test the nation gives out to teens…

An Overview of the Effects of Overly Expensive College Tuition in the United States

College Tuition

Words: 842 (4 pages)

Overly expensive College Tuition taking away opportunities from students. Nearly 30 years ago the average college tuition for a student at a University was relatively around $6,285 for room, board, and tuition. Today the average tuition is $32,000. Why isn’t this still offered today? What has made college tuition grow to be so expensive today?…

Skills That Will Get You a Job

Why is College Important

Words: 556 (3 pages)

In the world today there are alot of different types of jobs. Different skill sets will help when looking for these positions. In the next few paragraphs I will document some of the issues that you will face when searching for a job. Obviously each job you will apply for will require a different skill…

“Higher Learning”: A Film on the Importance of Intercultural Communication

College Experience

Movie Analysis

Words: 1499 (6 pages)

I decided to do my Intercultural film on The movie Higher Learning produced by John Singleton. Higher learning is about a group of incoming freshman and how their college lives are impacted by cultural diversity. This film highly relates to intercultural communications because it shows how diverse college is but also distinctive.This movie mainly focus…

Online Colleges in US

Online Education

Words: 517 (3 pages)

Thinking of Online Colleges in US Today’s world is all about Internet, generally Online Colleges aims at providing an online education to the students through internet, rather than going and attending colleges in traditional campus setting, an online college refers to an online degree programmes offered by colleges and universities, here the students have liberty…

You and Another Culture


Study Abroad Scholarship

Words: 540 (3 pages)

In the story, “from if You Are What You Eat, Then What Am I?” by Geeta Kothari, it reflects on how one can feel as if they don’t fit in because of their culture. In the story, Geeta is at a young age barely experiencing life when she realizes that people that surround her are…

Requirements for Graduation and Standardized Tests in American Schools


Words: 1168 (5 pages)

What is a test? The Webster’s New American Dictionary defines a test as “a critical examination or evaluation”. The World Book 2000 Encyclopedia defines testing as “an attempt to measure a person’s knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way”. The Wisconsin 2004 freshmen will have to take a graduation test in order to…

MBA education from Columbia


Words: 551 (3 pages)

As a child among the “one child policy” generation, my family and along with close to 300 million rapid aging Chinese families are currently experiencing later retirement age and reduced pension payment due to emerging pension fund short fall close to 600 billion Chinese yuan. This significant risk is cause by policy failure of baby…

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