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Essay Examples

How the fennec fox (Vulpes zedra) has adapted to the desert environment.



Words: 1736 (7 pages)

How the fennec fox( Vulpes zedra )has adapted to the desert environment. The fennec fox is the smallest member of theVulpesgenus ( officially in theFennecusgenus ) merely weighing 2.2 – 3.3 pound. It is extremely distinguishable by its immense ears mensurating 6 inches, and a organic structure length of up to 16 inches. It is…

Sedimentary Rocks: All About Quartz




Words: 543 (3 pages)

Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust, forming when silicon and oxygen combine. These two elements are the main components of the Earth’s crust. Sedimentary rocks can form by compacting sediments or crystallizing dissolved minerals. Quartz, with its chemical formula SiO2, has been discovered in both the Earth’s crust and meteorites as…

The People of the Kalahari Desert



Economic problems




Words: 1442 (6 pages)

Part OneIntroduction, Location and EnvironmentThe people of the Kalahari desert are extraordinary people. For centuries their hunting and food gatheringtechniques have enabled them to survive in the difficult environment of the dry, hot and barren Kalahari desert. They are known as the Bushmen. Or the Kung or the Gikwe since Bushmen is rather discriminating because…

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