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Essays on Inquiry

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Essay Examples

Clinical inquiry and question


Words: 1440 (6 pages)

The initial step in implementing evidence-based practice is to engage in clinical inquiry and questioning. This paper aims to utilize PICO to define the clinical question, discuss two models of evidence-based practice, outline the search terms used to formulate the question, describe the number of articles found during the search, and establish the correlation between…

A Summary of The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry Sample



Words: 615 (3 pages)

A Summary of The Nature of Philosophical InquiryA Summary of Robert Johann’s “The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry” Philosophy has made advancement through the development of specialised methods that fragment the cognition that doctrine everlastingly seeks. Johann seeks to lucubrate on the nature of philosophical enquiry through the method of Pragmatism. more specifically Ontological Pragmatism. This…

Online Grades Inquiry and Subject Monitoring System


Words: 1286 (6 pages)

Review of Related Literature This chapter presents the reviewed literature related to the present study. The concepts and studies included in this chapter provided the researcher with proper perspective in the formulation of the study objectives and the organization of the conduct of the study. Foreign Literature Al HedayaAlkhalifia In a review of the literature,…

The Power of Inductive Reasoning


Scientific method


Words: 800 (4 pages)

Inductive reasoning is simply darting with a limited number of observations and increase that number by generalizing. In this scenario the investigator would utilize observation and characteristics of an individual or crime scene to develop a hypothesis. This allows the investigator to develop a theory in a small amount of time which could be critical…

Positivism paradigm to the subject matter




Words: 665 (3 pages)

The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry in the 1970s has sparked the question on the things that we as humans should respect and those that we should retain amidst development. This has transpired through long and arduous work by Thomas Berger, then member of the commission formed by Canada to know exactly what needs to be…

Appreciative Inquiry: What Does It Mean?


Words: 834 (4 pages)

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is the search for the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant world around them, through the stories of their best experiences. It involves systematic discovery of what gives “life” to a living system when it is at its best, its peak performance.  AI includes asking questions that strengthen an organization’s…

Congressional Inquiry: George Radanovich


Words: 887 (4 pages)

            Congressman George Radanovich’s personal website demonstrates how members of the Congress show support and endorse the political party that they belong to. The website also shows how a member of the congress may be able to facilitate a collaborative communication line between him and his constituents. This essay will explicate how the two objectives…

Habits of Mind for a Culture of Inquiry


Words: 1194 (5 pages)

This paper examines a portion of a developing set of ideas on the habits of mind for a culture of inquiry and the influence of resiliency discussing the linkages among self-awareness, leadership character evolution, leadership development, and collaboration. What is resilience? Resilience commonly defined as an individual’s personal ability to recover from loss or setbacks…

The Russia Inquiry: Confirmation Bias


Words: 1418 (6 pages)

Looking at the Russia Inquiry from all points of view has given me an interesting perspective of the world, it has shown me the meanings of hatred, support, and love in this world. In 2016, I awoke politically as a supporter of then-candidate Trump, his brash style of leadership seeming like a nice changeup in…

Virtual PD Experience and Reflection


Words: 496 (2 pages)

The professional development webinar teaches about the importance of utilizing inquiry-based learning in the classroom. Students are sadly being conditioned to ask less and less questions in the classroom. This may inhibit them from exploring information in the future. In a traditional education system, children are expected to raise their hands to ask questions, and…

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