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Essay Examples

An Analysis of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho





Words: 506 (3 pages)

There may have been times when you have avoided a close brush with death due to a strong gut feeling. Similarly, you may have chosen to stay at home because something felt wrong. All of these instances can be explained by the concept of following your heart. The theme of trusting your intuition is consistently…

The Underlying Symbolism of Colors in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby



The Great Gatsby Symbolism

Words: 627 (3 pages)

Colors can symbolize many things. In a book an author can take color and give it their own symbol. F. Scott Fitzgerald does a beautiful job of this in his book The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald brings the use of colors into the plot of this book. He gives each color an underlying meaning. The colors…

How Does Steinbeck Present Loneliness and Isolation in the Novel

John Steinbeck


Words: 791 (4 pages)

Steinbeck presents the concepts of loneliness and isolation in the novel in various ways. He uses the characters, action and the setting as devices to demonstrate the loneliness in the novel. Steinbeck uses the setting of the book to show the theme of isolation and loneliness in the book. An example of Steinbeck using the…

The American Dream In John Steinbeck’s novel

American Dream

John Steinbeck


Words: 2344 (10 pages)

This dream Is fueled by the hope of one day leading a happy and prosperous life in a land that, more than NY other country, allows the people the chance to “write the script of their own lives”. The American Dream became the idea of an individual overcoming all obstacles and beating all odds to…

Why Did William Golding Name His Novel ‘The Lord of the Flies’?

Lord Of The Flies


Words: 439 (2 pages)

Golding’s novel intertwines adventure and mystery, with a central focus on its title. In contrast to other writers, William Golding appears to have deliberately chosen a title that may not initially convey the true nature of the book’s thrilling exploits and primal brutality. Nevertheless, upon closer scrutiny, it becomes apparent that the title adeptly encapsulates…

A Comparison Between “V for Vendetta” and “1984”


Free Will


Words: 1101 (5 pages)

Oppressive governments and the psychological manipulation of the people are the strong themes and warning signs that these two powerful works of art, 1984 and V for Vendetta, attempt to delineate. 1984 and V for Vendetta have their similarities and differences yet their worlds are built around these basic tenets. Yet varying with their degree…

Novel vs. Movie: Great Expectation Literary Analysis



Words: 323 (2 pages)

Great Expectations: Novel vs. MovieIn 1946, filmmaker David Lean adapted Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations into a film. Both the book and the movie take place in England and follow the story of a young apprentice known as Pip. In both versions, an unidentified supporter provides Pip with money so that he can become a gentleman…

Conflict in a Novel “Catcher in the Rye”

Catcher In The Rye


Words: 1025 (5 pages)

The widely regarded Russian author, Leo Tolstoy, once said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” (Creative Quotes). People have very disparate reactions to the word “conflict”. Some people rise up in choler at the word while others cower in trepidation. However, “conflict” does not mean “altercation”. There are…

Brave New World – Novel

Brave New World


Words: 387 (2 pages)

Brave New World Essay In his novel Brave New World Aldous Huxley tells of a future world where there is no individuality but instead a world of science and uniformity. In this dystopian world there is a character named Bernard Marx. Huxley used Bernard Marx to show the power struggle humans face. He did this…

Great Expectations is an Autobiographical Novel written by Charles Dickens


Charles Dickens


Words: 1290 (6 pages)

Great Expectations is an Autobiographical Novel written by Charles Dickens between 1860 and 1861 because it was written in instalments in magazines. Charles Dickens was a social reformer who wrote boos about the working class people and the daily struggles, to try to get people to understand how life was like for the working class….

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