Painting Page 14
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Essay Examples
Creating Strong Female Characters in Hispanidad Art and Literature
Frida Kahlo
In Miguel de Cervantes story, “The Illustrious Kitchen Maid”, the use of femininity and mystery are combined to create this ‘illustrious‘ female character named Costanza. Throughout the entirety of Cervantes’ story about Costanza he keeps her identity very vague and reveals few details about her other than the fact that she is a very beautiful,…
Compare and Contrast: Neoclassicism, Impressionism, Expressionism
Neoclassicism is the restoration of the classical style of art, and literature and architecture and so on. Classical influence spread across Europe around the 1850s. People began to enjoy the harmony, simplicity and proportion that art used to bring back in the old times again. This style represents the great achievements of artists like Raphael,…
Gentileschi and Caravaggio Compare and Contrast
Throughout centuries, artists and painters have constantly been trying to find different ways to portray the significant biblical story of Judith and Holofernes. The story talks about a woman known as Judith, who is a Jewish widow. In order to try to stop the opposing enemy from attacking her people, she joins some sort…
Comparing Guernica and Third of May
Pablo Picasso
IntroductionI have been asked to compare Picassos Guernica and Goyas Third of May. SubjectGuernica – based on the tragic happenings to the town of Guernica. Third of May – based on the executions of the Spanish patriots on the third of May. CompositionGuernica – focal point – horseThird of May – focal point – man…
Visual Analysis Ophelia
“Ophelia” by John Everett Millais is a piece depicting a Shakespearean play Hamlet painted in 1852. The paintings medium is oil on canvas. The iconic character Ophelia is in a contradicting situation that causes her to be bewildered and deranged. Which has made her a complex character and someone many people can connect with. In…
The Raft of the Medusa Analysis
Theodore Gericault (1791-1824) was the painter behind the raft of Medusa, an 1818-1819 work of painting measuring 16 by 23 by 6 inches (716 by 491cm). The colossal scale adopted in the painting make numerous forms life-sized. Foreground figures are close to double life-size, are thrust near the image surface and crowd onto audiences,…
“The Birth of Venus” by Alexandre Cabanel Analysis
Visual Arts
“The Birth of Venus” was painted in 1863 and is currently on display in the Musee d’Orsay in Paris, France (Rosenbloom, 1989). Nude paintings and similar erotic subjects were popular during this time and as a result, Napoleon III immediately purchased this painting for his own private collection (Rosenbloom, 1989). This painting can be considered…
Expressionism: Van Goughs Starry Night
During the Modern Era of the late 19th century and the early 20th century, many artists were turning away from the idea of painting realistic images. Photography, having just been developed for public use a few decades earlier, made artists of the day focus less on painting as an precise copy of what is seen,…
“La Carte Postale” by Rene Magritte Analysis
This paper will discuss the painting “La Carte Postale” by Rene Magritte. It will compare and contract the primary relationships of focusing and scanning, position versus movement, organic versus geometric, high definition versus low definition and formal versus informal relationships as the basis for analysis. “La Carte Postale” is a formal painting with a strong…
Patrick Graham Ire/Land Iii
Visual Arts
Patrick Graham “Ire/land III” he painted in 1982 and was later bought by the Gallery that year; it is a oil on canvas (183x122cm). The painting it self is hung in the Irish political wing of the Hugh Lane Gallery. The painting is high in saturated colours, it is very vibrant and has very strong…