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Passion Essay Examples Page 2

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Essay Examples

Shared Passion and Love in the Movies Just Wright Directed by Sanaa Hamri and Brown Sugar Directed by Rick Famuyiwa




Words: 811 (4 pages)

More often than not two people are brought together and fall in love through their unintentional love for something else. This holds true in the movies “Just Wright” directed by Sanaa Hamri and “Brown Sugar” directed by Rick Famuyiwa. Whether it be a love for basketball or a love for hip hop, the characters were…

The Use of History and Fantasy in The Passion by Jeanette Winterson





Words: 1768 (8 pages)

The idea of history and fantasy play a huge role in The Passion. Jeanette Winterson uses these two different genres to create this story. Patrick’s eye, Villanelle’s webbed feet, and Villanelle’s ‘stolen heart’ are some examples of the elements of fantasy seen in The Passion. Another book that deals with fantasy and reality is the…

Stars: A 5th-grade nightmare



Words: 566 (3 pages)

I remember the first time I saw the stars. I mean, really saw them. I had just received an assignment that called for the daily observation of the night sky. Homework that didn’t go away, it was a 5th-grade nightmare. As I grudgingly walked out into the apartment circle, carrying just my marble notebook and…

Levels of Professionalism in the Healthcare Workplace



Words: 1150 (5 pages)

Professionalism can easily be defined by how one carries and conducts him or herself in the workplace. A huge goal, specifically in the healthcare workplace, is to maintain a proper level of professionalism, especially when working in patient care. It is a skill that is developed with practice, experience and a lot of patience. In…

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