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Essay Examples

It Is Time To Reaffirm Our Actions

Civil Rights Act of 1964


Words: 1452 (6 pages)

The history of this Nation is being carved with the chisels of our incessant struggle towards freedom and equality. Evidently, that struggle has continually propelled us scores of years away from slavery and flagrant bigotry. Yes, we can not deny to ourselves that our odyssey to the realms of crystal-clear equality has not yet ended….

Difference between John Dickinson and Thomas Paine

Common sense

Thomas Paine

Words: 2339 (10 pages)

Both John Dickinson and Thomas Paine address what they believe to be the concept of “common sense.” However, the two political thinkers interpret the concept of “common sense” completely differently. First, it is important to understand the differing of both political thinker’s conceptions. Later, an analysis of both the advantages and disadvantages will be discussed….

National congress of american indians




Words: 682 (3 pages)

The national congress of American Indians is an organization in the United States that was established in 1944 to counter hostile laws and federal termination policies that were detrimental to the American Indian nation. It is devoted to the reinstatement of the exercise of the tribal government capabilities. The organization is the largest and oldest…

Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience through an Emersonian Lens

Civil Disobedience

Words: 1285 (6 pages)

Emerson ends his essay “Self-reliance” with the following: “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of your own principles.” Following this, some years later, Thoreau writes “Civil Disobedience” after he is imprisoned for adhering to his own moral compass, which is at odds with the state laws….

Who is Martin Luther?


Martin Luther King



Words: 1537 (7 pages)

How did he come about? What has he done to alter Christianity? Are some inquiries often asked by grownups and pupils who don Ts know to much about Martin Luther. So this paper is traveling to discourse the undermentioned issues or inquiry that were merely asked. So that hopefully when this paper is over the…

Emerging in The Modern World

Martin Luther King



Words: 2364 (10 pages)

Throughout this semester, I learned about a lot of people, places, and things that I had not known about beforehand. In the midst of all these phenomenal or terrible people, I could only choose one thing. One person intrigued me more than anything else and that is the one and only, Argula von Grumbach. In…

At The Dark end of the Street Book Review

Civil Rights

Words: 1376 (6 pages)

At The Dark End of the Street written by Danielle L. McGuire depicts the systematic oppression of black women and the sexual violence they faced throughout the Civil Rights Movement from the 1940’s-1970’s. McGuire’s tell-all book of true stories lived by African American women, discusses the decoding of our societal racism during this time period…

“Letter to Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Civil Rights Movement


Letter from Birmingham Jail


Words: 985 (4 pages)

Presents himself as an educated and credible man and defends his stance on the issue of non-violent protesting. He addresses the ideas brought forward in an open letter wrote up by a group of several white clergymen who felt as if African Americans should wait on the judicial system to correct this injustice error, as…

Martin Luther King’ Glory 

I Have a Dream

Martin Luther King

Words: 1946 (8 pages)

In the 1900’s, the struggle for African Americans to gain social equality in the United States, intensified during the life changing Civil Rights Movement (1954 – 1968). This progressive social movement would eventually end segregation, in the public environment and the workforce, granting equality to the oppressed citizens of color. Martin Luther King Jr. is…

Letter from Birmingham Jail Analysis

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Words: 830 (4 pages)

Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, has set a place in history long ago, in April of 1963. Many would say this is a lasting and important text for today’s American society. This could be because of the way it was written, or by the statements that were used in this text,…

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