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Essay Examples

Jones Blair Case Study




Words: 1853 (8 pages)

Jones Blair Company is a paint manufacturer based in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and serves Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Louisiana. Their manufacturing plant produces architectural paint as their primary product line. Along with paint, they also provide painting sundries to customers, branded with the Jones Blair logo even though they are not manufactured by the…

Aqualisa Case Study Solution




Words: 860 (4 pages)

I took into consideration the problem of the Aqualisa Quartz shower line and found out how to solve it. I discovered how to turn an enormous problem into an opportunity. This company did a great job with its research and creation of a product that takes advantage of its competitors by meeting all the needs…

A Case Study on Dell Company


Computer network


Marketing Communications

Online Shopping



Words: 1746 (7 pages)

Dell case study / Dell. com case study This Dell case study designed for business and marketing students details Dell’s business and marketing strategy focusing on E-commerce. Describes approach to managing Dell. com. Updated March 2008. Dell overview Dell is a technology company, offering a broad range of product categories, including desktop computer systems, storage,…

Kodak: Traditional Photography and Digital Photography




Words: 923 (4 pages)

2) Compare traditional photography to digital imaging. What are the main structual differences? How have value creation and value capture changed from traditional to digital photography? The main difference between traditional photography and digital imaging is that digital imaging doesn’t need physical films to take pictures and papers to see the pictures taken. This changed…

Pup Manila Thesis for Sales Forecasting



Words: 3880 (16 pages)

Introduction Business firms whether small or big have engaged in several challenges before and after their growth. It undergoes study of the entire business. Efficient and effective decisions in business it are needed to implement every day. The business manager has the responsibility to make decisions for the improvement of the company. To make this…

Proctor & Gamble Scope Case Analysis

Business Process



Words: 4500 (18 pages)

Procter and Gamble’s mouthwash product, Scope, had a 32% share of the Canadian mouthwash market in 1990. However, the launch of Plax in 1998, a new pre-brushing mouthwash category, continues to present a challenge to Scope’s market share. Gwen Hearst, the brand manager for Scope at Procter and Gamble, is tasked with devising a strategy…

General Mills’ Acquisition of Pillsbury from Diageo Plc




Words: 1767 (8 pages)

What are General Mills’ motives for this deal? Estimate the present value of the expected cost savings (synergies). In the spring of 1998 General Mills began studying areas where they could add to the company and advanced a strategy of acquisition-driven growth. General Mills has several motives for pursuing a deal to acquire Pillsbury. Pillsbury…

King Louis Flowers Paper


Digital marketing




Target market

Words: 4457 (18 pages)

King Louis Flowers & Plants, Inc. is a company which grows, supplies, and sells different flowers and plants around the country. The company is considered the market leader in the industry with 60 to 70 percent of the market share because of it being a large supplier all over the Philippines and are the biggest…

Tivo Case Analysis




Words: 2221 (9 pages)

1. Analyze the situation from the consumer’s standpoint? What is TiVo? What factors facilitate adoption? Who is TiVo best suited for (Target audience)? TiVo is an innovative personal digital video recording device introduced in 1999. TiVo makes it possible to save TV programs on hard drive and replay them if required. TiVo possesses several advanced…

Businiss Operation Concepts



Strategic Management

Words: 3387 (14 pages)

Executive Summary For most successful companies, it is very common that they are not just focus on a single aspect, like marketing, product development or sometimes customer service.  The reason is that most companies these days are performing a more holistic approach that covers the entire factor that affects business and that is commonly known…

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