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Essays on Sculpture

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We found 35 free papers on Sculpture

Essay Examples


Art: Comparison of Pietas




Words: 814 (4 pages)

            Centuries may separate artistic styles and aesthetic theories; however, certain themes and subjects exert an appeal which transcends individual styles. This is particularly true of religious art which often persists in subject and theme though the modes of expression may change dramatically during the span of a culture or civilization. In the case of…

Comparing Polyeuktos’ Demosthenes and Donatello’s St Mark





Visual Arts

Words: 722 (3 pages)

            Comparing two works of art from different periods requires careful study and an understanding of the differences that defined those periods. The concept of art and the way in which it has been organized has also changed drastically over the centuries meaning that it has to seen in the context of the period from…

Comparison Of Cubism And Henry Moore Sculpture Art



Words: 1730 (7 pages)

The twentieth century comprised of creative persons with a wide array of involvements and fortes, doing an convergence of stylistic characteristics in graphicss runing from the drawn, the sculpted and even the gathering works. Sculptures during this epoch were extremist in nature due to their loosening clasp of the conventional sculptures that were prior constructed…

Tyche-Fortuna & St. Hilary of Galeata





Visual Arts

Words: 1528 (7 pages)

 Tyche-Fortuna & St. Hilary of Galeata The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or “The Met”, as it is commonly known, is a grand museum located in New York City, just along the east edge of Central Park. Housing over two million works of art, The Metropolitan Musueum of Art is considered as one of the biggest art…

Visual Analysis Assignment Hope Athena



Body language




Visual Arts

Words: 553 (3 pages)

The Hope Athena For my visual analysis assignment I chose to go visit the Los Angles County Museum of Art. It has been an extremely long time since I last visited a museum. Took my twelve year old son with me to explore what the museum had to offer. We found the art to be…

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description Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving and modelling, in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials but, since Modernism, there has been an almost complete freedom of materials and process.
cast Casting involves making a mould and then pouring a liquid material, such as molten metal, plastic, rubber or fibreglass into the mould. A cast is a form made by this process. Many sculptures are produced by the artist modelling a form (normally in clay, wax or plaster). This is then used to create a mould to cast from.,

Hs code: 970300

Sculpture artists: Alexander Calder 1898–1976, Louise Bourgeois 1911–2010, Pablo Picasso 1881–1973, Auguste Rodin 1840–1917,

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