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Essays on The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings

We found 6 free papers on The Lord of the Rings

Essay Examples

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and the Hero’s Journey

Hero'S Journey

The Lord of the Rings

Words: 4427 (18 pages)

This paper will discuss The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and how it fits with the archetypes and plot points of the Hero’s Journey. The paper starts with a brief explanation of why this piece was selected and how it works with the deconstruction methods. Then, there is the review of…

Anglo Saxon Literature


The Lord of the Rings

Words: 4065 (17 pages)

The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien or better known as JRR Tolkien. The story is a sequel to an earlier fantasy novel he penned called The Hobbit (1937). The Lord of the Rings spawned into a large body of work as a trilogy.  It was written…

Films Review: McKnight Harry versus Frodo


The Lord of the Rings

Words: 1622 (7 pages)

In the last fifteen years Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have been the leaders in the fantasy film movement. The use of magic and witchcraft has grabbed audiences out of their seats and into the worlds of Harry and Frodo. The fantasy aspect of these films is just the outer layer. Under the…

Types of the Author’s Narrative in Modern English Prose


The Lord of the Rings

Words: 5978 (24 pages)

Nowadays an increasing interest is attached to the different types of narratives. The analysis of the types of author’s narrative in the works of modern English novelists allows us to penetrate into the inner world of the author and to define the language structures that are used to create the text itself. The types of…

Archetypes in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring


The Lord of the Rings

Words: 879 (4 pages)

            According to Carl Jung, we humans have a “preconscious psychic disposition” which let us react in a human manner. These psychic dispositions are archetypes, wherein we use it to base the basic themes of human life. In the film Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, we can see several characters that embody…

Summary and Analysis of Katherine Fowkes’s Fantasy Films


The Lord of the Rings

Words: 1580 (7 pages)

Fantasy Rhetoric: Summary and Analysis of Katherine Fowkes’s Fantasy Films A Rhetoric Analysis consists of a multitude of attributes some larger than others and some not specifically require. Among those are certain attributes that are what provides the foundation of any Rhetoric work, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos or persuasive appeal. My job is to show…

Frequently Asked Questions about The Lord of the Rings

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Is Lord of the Rings a real story?
Lord of the Rings was, unfortunately, based on no TRUE story. Tolkien's world had already been created in short stories he had written during his days in the army, those stories being the collection published in The Silmarillion, which concerned the history of Middle-Earth.
What is Lord of the Rings a metaphor for?
According to Tolkien, those who see the narrative as an allegory for World War II have got the wrong war. Many theorize that Frodo shows signs of post traumatic stress disorder, an affliction that was originally identified at the Battle of the Somme, in which Tolkien fought.
What is so special about Lord of the Rings?
On the one hand, Lord of the Rings is a great adventure story, but the book is much more multi-dimensional. In particular, Tolkien develops many intriguing characters with their own very believable qualities. ... Because each of the characters is very “human” and believable we can identify with their dilemmas and choices.
What is the main message of The Lord of the Rings?
Tolkien stated in his Letters that the core theme of The Lord of the Rings is death and the human desire to escape it: But I should say, if asked, the tale is not really about Power and Dominion: that only sets the wheels going; it is about Death and the desire for deathlessness.

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