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Essay Examples

World War 1 Outline



Words: 861 (4 pages)

The aftermath of World War 1 in Europe was very much in turmoil and it was because the peacemakers weren’t able to see the scale of the damage of that WW1 causes. The empires of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia were nonexistent. Russia had undergone two revolutions, the states that were left behind were struggling economically…

Hendry Brown: Armed and Really Dangerous — Part Two







Words: 5124 (21 pages)

The Bloody Lincoln County War was effectively over by the autumn of 1878. It had climaxed in the savage five-day siege of the McSween house in Lincoln, New Mexico, where Billy the Kid and his companions held off the gunmen of the Murphy-Dolan faction until the house was fired by treachery around them. Their employer…

“The War Prayer” Twain Analysis


Words: 895 (4 pages)

What is patriotism? In today’s society, when hearing the word patriotism most people first think of the United States flag waving high in the air, the colors red, white, and blue, or the fireworks and parades on the fourth of July. There is more to patriotism than Just these symbols and events. According to the…

Essay- Middle-East Wars


Words: 969 (4 pages)

Since the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1947 and the subsequent establishment of Israel in 1948, there have been four major Arab-Israeli wars (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) along with numerous smaller battles. Despite the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1979, the animosity between Israel and its Arab neighbors…

The Second Opium War


Words: 1447 (6 pages)

Second Opium War also known as the Arrow War or the Second Anglo-Chinese War was a war that took place between one of the China’s dynasties known as Qing dynasty and the Britain Empire. This war took place for a period of fours beginning the year 1856 to the year 1860. One may wonder where…

War is a Sick Game


Words: 1297 (6 pages)

Somebody screamed at me, “Vedran, lay down, lay down!” When something flew over my head, it was that bee sound that I had heard so many times before, only this time, much, much louder. Somebody was shooting at me and my sister while we were on the way to the well to get water for…

“How to Tell a True War Story” by Philip Hotchkiss


Words: 2042 (9 pages)

Philip Hotchkiss Intro to Literature Short Story Analysis Paper October 5, 2009 “How to Tell a True War Story” I found “How to Tell a True War Story” the most interesting short story we have read so far. Why? Because the story is true and so very real. The story paints such a vivid picture…

The War Between the Classes Essay


Words: 493 (2 pages)

“The War Between the Classes” by Gloria D. Miklowitz is an extraordinary book that delves into a high-school class participating in the “Color Game”. This game establishes four social classes, each distinguished by armbands: Blues (the highest and wealthiest), Dark Greens (upper-middle class and moderately well-off), Light Greens (lower-middle class and somewhat impoverished), and Oranges…

Why America Went to War with Vietnam


Words: 494 (2 pages)

In the article “The Causes of the Vietnam War” Andrew Rotter talks about all kinds of reasons why America went to war with Vietnam along with things that promoted America to get involved with Vietnam. One reason America went to war was because President Harry Truman authorized a military aid to the French. Also the…

Atrocities of the Second World War


Words: 1451 (6 pages)

Atrocities of War             The Second World War is a result of the German aggression towards different European states they intended to invade for the purpose of lebensraum. Hitler wanted to create an empire that would last a thousand years, where the Aryan race would prevail and conquer the world. He led a German campaign…

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