Ethical Theories based on Green Cleaning Products

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These chemicals can then be recycled back into our water supply and possibly ingested by us. The chemicals also can be absorbed by the ecosystem, animals and living organisms, and which adversely affects them (mutations, death, or disease) or it carries the chemical back to us when we consume food from the ecosystem. I will first frame my change topic based on the theory of anthropocentric ethics and there are two themes of this theory. The first focuses on humans being caretakers of the world.

It centers on that humans have been given responsibility for earth and the hangs that inhabit the earth, that we must watch over them and only use them as necessary. The second focuses on that that only human beings have moral value, only humans can apply value to objects in the world, and humans can use/consume these objects however is seen fit. Humans only have responsibilities regarding the natural world but do not have direct responsibilities to the natural world. We regard ourselves as having moral standing which is our continued existence or welfare on earth is valuable.

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That value is based on the premise that we exist and is called intrinsic value. In anthropocentric ethics we give ourselves intrinsic value and give all other objects on earth instrumental value. This instrumental value allocates us to only see other objects as they can be useful to humans. The environment, animals, plants, etc only exist as something to be used for our purpose, gain, or attempt to attain something else of value. This new obtained value could be intrinsic or instrumental to humans. When humans regard themselves as only having intrinsic value, we also label ourselves as being moral agents and that We have moral standing.

This belief is that we have the freedom and sectional capacity to be responsible for our choices and that our continued existence and/or welfare is valuable in itself. In other words, we are the only one whose existences matters and we have the choice in making that decision. The choice in making this decision is defined as our moral obligation. A moral obligation is that in which is owed by moral agents (humans) to others with moral standing (items with intrinsic value, usually humans). There are two goals when using cleaners in the household. The first is to clean dirt, grime, dust, etc off of our possessions or in living areas.

The second is to kill any type of microorganism that may make us sick, either in the short term like a flu virus or in the long term like e. Coli. The cleaners we use may harm the environment but since humans believe that we are the only beings that have intrinsic value on earth, we deem it necessary to eradicate anything that may threaten this value. So we use cleaners that will destroy any type of germ/virus/microbe so that it will not threaten our existence and it will protect our welfare on earth. When I agree with anthropocentric I assign myself moral standing so I must have a intended existence and must keep myself safe.

There are many things in existence in this world that can void me of this standing so I must find a way to avoid, eliminate, or neutralize them and using cleaners that remove this hazard in anyway possible are within my moral scope. It does not matter if the cleaner use creates a hazard for other entities in the ecosystem because as long as my welfare is protected all others can suffer. The second theory is one of the more complicated theories to apply. Bio-centric theory applies value to all life so it is implied that all living organisms has intrinsic value and el organisms have equal inherent worth.

The theory has four core beliefs; humans are seen as members of earth’s life community, all species are part of a system of interdependence, all living things pursue their own good (actuality their soul), and humans are not inherently superior to other living things. Bio-centric simply means life-centered and all species are teleological which is goal-directed which indicates that they need fulfill their own purpose in life (known or unknown to us). Bio-centric takes on an individualistic view of ecology. This means it looks at each individual organism on its own and not at the ecology community.

The interconnection between individual organisms is not considered under this theory. Bio-centric ignores the interaction of the biotic community. While it recognizes the organisms that make up the community it does add Reese the relationships between the communities. Bio-centric ethics would allow me to use the cleaners, but only as a last defense and only if it endangered human health or life. Obscenities has five procedural rules to provide fair and impartial ruling of conflicts; self- offense, proportionality, minimum wrong, distributive justice, and restrictive justice.

Self defense would be enacted if human interests conflicted with a non-human organisms such as e-coli. E-coli desires to make humans sick so under these guidelines humans can eradicate the organism. The third theory used to frame my experiment is the CEO-centric theory. This theory places an emphasis on ecological wholes and moves away from individual plants and animals. The value is placed on the ecological system as a whole. The world’s ecosystem is an area that in which a variety of living organisms interact with each other with mutual benefit and there are interdependencies and relationships amongst all organisms.

This theory does allow us to use the environments resources as we see fit but with one exception. As long as whatever we use does not upset the interaction of the system it deemed k. An example would be that we may hunt for certain wild animals but not to the extent where we may cause an unbalance in nature. This unbalance could be that the animal could be nearing extinction or there is an upset in the food chain for larger animals. This approach to the entire yester is called ethical holism. This states that we have moral responsibilities to maintain the relationships between organisms rather to each individual organism.

Bio-centric and CEO-centric theories both acknowledge that humans are not any more important than any other organism in the biotic community. However bio-centric only focuses on the individual organism, its role to itself, and individual organisms must achieve self-actualization. CEO- centric recognizes the individual organisms but looks at the interaction between them all. As long as the interaction remains balanced/normal in the yester whatever action humans are taking is deemed to be acceptable. An CEO-centric ethicist would observe my topic in the holistic view.

Human health would not be regarded more than a microorganism’s existence because both would be equal in their eyes. The ethicist may perhaps not have any problem with the previous cleaners I have been using because I may not have been upsetting the whole of the ecosystem. I believe that would be their main criteria when scrutinizing my issue. So if it were determined that the cleaners I was using were polluting fresh water sources and endangering sis and animals to the point of extinction then the ethicist would take the stance that my cleaners were not k and did agree with CEO-centrism.

The endangerment of the intertwined system would be their main concern. The last applied theory is the deep ecology theory and this theory is much harder to define because its main purpose is to propose questions. Deep ecology does not offer solutions to the issues of the environment but wants us to ask questions about why there are issues with the environment. The theory is asking the fundamental philosophical question about the role of unman life as part of the exosphere and to most of these philosophical questions there are not any clear answers or any answer at all.

The deep ecology theory attempts to work out an alternative philosophical worldview that is holistic and not human-centered and attempts to find fundamental issues in the dominant world view. A deep ecologist would, as expected, have many questions about my topic. Why do need to clean What do I need to clean How clean is clean enough Do I need the items/objects/possessions that need to be cleaned Do put too much emphasis on being clean in person and my possessions These are hypes of question that they may ask because the questions peer into the reason behind the things we do.

The deep ecologist is not asking me what cleaners I am using, what the ingredients are, or what chemical reaction is caused, they are asking me for the reason I am using them or to think on why need them. Each one of these theories examines my project in a different light or takes an alternative view. Unsurprisingly none of these theories produce the same result and so it must be us who decide which theory and outcome we agree with and which one we do not.

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Ethical Theories based on Green Cleaning Products. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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