AbstractionThis paper will concentrate on the types of dependability and cogency used in the Values and Motives Questionnaire. Besides this author will be look intoing countries of concerns and strengths as it relates to the Values and Motives Questionnaire. good as explicating an sentiment of the trial ( VMQ ) with the stuff presented. This author will further conveying information refering the sample size. nature of population that could perchance consequence concepts tested by the trial.
Researching Reliability and Validity
The Values and Motives Questionnaire besides referred as Value and Motives Inventory examines a person’s motive as it relates to their activities. and values. There are three countries in this stock list which include. interpersonal. intrinsic. and extrinsic. These three countries contain 12 subjects of concern for proving intents. This trial can be used for a assortment of grounds but most normally used in the workplace and can besides be used as counsel tool. There are two relevant topics when researching the Values and Motives Inventory. First. when examining dependability a on the job definition demands to be applied. “reliability refers to the consistence of such measurings when the testing process is repeated on a population of persons or groups. ” ( Whiston. 2012. p. 40 ) Further. Whiston points out the different types of dependabilities which include alternate parallel signifiers. test- retest and of class internal consistence. When analyzing the dependability in respect to the Values and Motives Inventory. the internal consistence dependability was utilized in this stock list. Internal consistence dependability. “divide the instrument in different manners and correlates the mark from the different parts of the instrument.
Therefore. these signifiers of dependability examine the instrument internally to find its consistence or deficiency of mistake. ” ( p. 47 ) . The most popular step in the internal consistence is the Cronbach’s Alpha which will be explored further in concurrence with cogency. Second. when analyzing the cogency of the Values and Motives Inventory we are shown that historically there have been three different types of cogency. The content related cogency. standard related cogency. and concept cogency. Criterion cogency “concerned the extent to which an space was consistently related to and outcome standards. With standard related cogency. we were interested in the grade to which an instrument was a good forecaster of certain standard. ” ( Whiston. 2012. p. 59 ) While researching the VMI it appears concept cogency was applied along with standard cogency. Areas of concern and strengths refering VMI are as follows. the alpha coefficient was used in concurrence with the concept cogency. Harmonizing to the VMI the coefficients ranged from. 52 through. 83 which makes all coefficients over. 5 but they had assorted scopes.
Harmonizing the VMI. “if the points on this graduated table have high involvement correlativities with each other. and with a entire graduated table mark. and the coefficient alpha will be high. ” ( “Values and Motivations Questionnaire: The Technical Manual” ) . Since the coefficients had such assorted scopes could this perchance indicate a job sing mistakes? Besides the manual for the VMI does assent to the estimation for SD being acceptable but the rarity scales fall slightly short of ideal. ( “Values and Motivations Questionnaire: The Technical Manual” ) . If this is the instance what will be considered ideal in their estimation. The sample size was 159 MBA and psychological science pupils. The population that was sampled is non declarative of the general population. In the general population non everyone has been afforded the chance to hold an accomplishment such as finishing your MBA. The population sampled due to its specific nature i. e. . college pupils. and college alumnuss would necessitate to be contemplated in respects to the proving consequences as it is offered as a word picture of the general population.
Largely. the full trial proved thought arousing as this was a subjective trial. Meaning everyone’s values are non the same. everyone is non driven by the same motivations. This could be debatable in obtaining valid consequences. It has given this author cause to carefully analyze appraisals that are being administered clients. Reliability and cogency have a great importance in how counsellor should use appraisals and can help in happening appropriate instruments in order to be more effectual with clients.
Valuess and Motivations Questionnaire: The Technical Manual ( n. d. ) . Retrieved from the Liberty COUN 521 web site: Psytech International. Valuess and Motivations Questionnaire: The Technical Manual ( n. d. ) . Retrieved from the Liberty COUN 521 web site: Psytech International. Valuess and Motivations Questionnaire: The Technical Manual ( n. d. ) . Retrieved from the Liberty COUN 521 web site: Psytech International. Whiston. S. ( 2012 ) . Principles & A ; Applications of Assessment in Counseling. Belmont. Calcium: Brooks/Coles Cengage Learning.