Harry Potter Argumentation

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The Harry Potter series has caused problems throughout the nation. These problems have caused riots, book burning, negative sermons, and book banning. A way to solve these issues will be clearly defined at the end of this essay. Harry Potter has had a massive social Impact throughout the world. Since 1 997, the rapid widespread of the Harry Potter series has resulted to 400 million copies sold worldwide according to an online article presented by Squid’s. James Chapman | 10 Most Read Books In The World 123 April, 2012) The series has also helped with literature sales and popularity In general. Harry Potter has been known as a gateway book to literature. According to Justine Chancre, an associate editor of Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, states that, “kids, including those who didn’t think themselves as readers, were encouraged to read by all the excitement and attention that the Potter series created. Reluctant readers are now dedicated readers.

Suddenly, they’re enjoying books ousting Chandler But Classic? Time Will Tell 14 July, 2007). ” So not only does the series help evolve children into becoming more literate, it also helps them become loser to their community by giving them opportunities to discuss the books with other readers. The series also teaches children life lessons through the many Issues that happened to Harry. It teaches children to navigate relationships and how to deal with and understand loss.

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Harry has dealt with the most evil characters such as Voltmeter, Fellatio, and Mallow almost his whole wizardry life. Yet, he knew from the beginning that they were bad. The harder characters to depict were characters Like Lockhart. Percy Wesley, and Fudge, whose motives were always for their own self main and all typically harmed Harry in some form. Children are taught to stay true to themselves in order to keep themselves and others out of harm’s way. Another concept in the Potter series is the importance of family.

When interviewed, Rebecca Hernandez, fan of fifteen years, was asked how Important family was to the Harry Potter series was, she answers, “Family is the most important part of the books. It’s what Harry looks for his whole life. He found family with the Weaseled and with that he found love (Rebecca Hernandez I Personal Interview 129 October, 2012). The Durables, Harry Potter’s aunt and uncle from his deceased mother’s side, never treated Harry like family so Harry had never experienced the true meaning of love until the Weaseled. They welcomed Harry with open arms, no matter who he was.

This teaches children that no matter who they are or where they come from, they can always find love and family. As I have previously stated, the Harry Potter series should be taught In schools as literature. At a study at Lancaster university, researches stated that they “believed that showing children films with a magical element can improve their imagination, and called for schools to expose youngsters to books and films Like Harry Potter series (Dally Mail Reporter I Watching Harry Potter Makes Children More Creative 21 March, 2012). These books are tools to the minds of children that help them properly expand their imagination in a healthy way. Many disagree with this such as Chief Exorcist at the Vatican, Father Gabriel Amoral, said magic and that leads to evil(Nick Pisa I Yoga Is The Work Of The Devil 125 November 2012). ” I understand this concern; however this can easily be prevented so long as roper precautions are taken by the parents. Parents need to sit their child down and explain the difference between Black Magic and fictional magic as displayed in the Harry Potter series.

Parents can also avoid issues relating to evil witchcraft by monitoring their children and supervising what they look up as they would for inappropriate television shows and internet sites. The Harry Potter series has a positive effect on children and should be taught as literature in schools. Throughout this essay, I have shown you the problems caused by the Harry Potter series and have even an easy solution on how it can be solved by teaching the series in schools. The purpose of the Harry Potter series is to involve children with other readers, to teach life lessons, and to expand children’s imagination therefore this series should be taught as literature in schools.

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Harry Potter Argumentation. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from


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