I Want to Transcend Borders to Help Others Experience Health and Wellness

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I since my childhood was encouraged to be curious, be on a look out for answers, and improve my skills and knowledge. This ideology resonates in each and every aspect of my life whether in carrying day-to-day activities or studying for professional reasons. I used to go to my doctor for routine check ups with my mother. He used to have long queue of patients but then also his compassion, caring attitude, knowledge was marvelous. I remember one incident where a child was brought by his parents who were crying incessantly as the child was unconscious. After sometime when the child was revived the parents respect and love towards him was indefinable.

I used to ask my mother the reason of his respect and love, who used to tell me that there is nothing great then relieving the sufferings of others. I used to see persons coming crying, helpless to him and after sometime they were relieved of their sufferings after which they use to shower their blessings on him. That was the starting of my fascination towards medicine and I decided to become Doctor. In medical school the whole process of starting from the chief complaint tills the response to the treatment enchanted me and I remember thinking “There is so much to learn here!” I understood that if I completely invest myself and try to understand the pathology, differentials and treatment; I will be a better, more learned, physician. I loved that and in turn started loving medicine.

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While I was working on a project of Pulse Polio Immunization I used to go door to door in underprivileged area, I understood the true significance of the words “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” It showed me how a physician can contribute in improving care for all the patients, even those whom one have never met or will never meet. I also want to be a physician who contributes to medicine in the same way, however small, in a hope that my contributions will transcend borders, cultures and languages for the greater good of everyone in need.

Having completed my graduation in one of the elite medical colleges in the country. I wanted to further expand my knowledge base and skill in a field that was thought provoking, clinically challenging, mentally satisfying with chances to be connected with latest research in the particular field of medical sciences. And in the pursuit I found that specialty of blood transfusion medicine ticked every option in a satisfactory manner.

During my residency in one of the highly acclaimed and finest medical colleges, which happened to be a tertiary referral hospital, I was exposed to a wide variety of cases clinical scenarios and disease entities. Working for day & night, seeing several patients relieved of sufferings by treatment was the ultimate satisfaction ever sought of.. Although medicine has taught me a lot about the human body and various diseases, but it has also guided me on how to be a better human being. I can recall one of my patients, who was an orphan with 2 gm Hb; doing regular activities, had came just for routine tiredness. He was scared of the outcome in spite of the brave face he was holding.

And when I understood his unspoken feelings and educated him about his pathology, he was able to appreciate the new found understanding of his disease and also of his medical care. This made me remember of “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” This moral of compassion and importance of patient education was taught to me in internal medicine rotations. This lesson was further cemented by the fact that my medical school is a government funded subsidized health care catering primarily to less fortunate population, so along with seeing a variety of different pathologies, I was able to develop an acute understanding towards the humane side of medicine and feel clearly how compassion from a physician goes a long way towards the well-being of the patients.

I have been humbled by this opportunity to be seeing my dream of achieving what I consider as the Pinnacle of medical education. I have always been in the awe of the dream to satisfy my ever- curious inquisitiveness of the medical education. Now the opportunity has beckoned upon me following years of sustained efforts towards this single-minded goal of being an internist. An opportunity to do residency in a university in United States of America is a dream come true.

Giving me a chance to upgrade my knowledge and skills that I believe will further strengthen my clinical acumen. A single thought of doing residency in Internal Medicine at United States used to be the adrenaline rush for me as i knew that this will give me an opportunity to learn and practice those skills that I have always dreamt of. I could very well realize this when I got an opportunity to work as an observer. I was so captivated with the team spirit, academics and the readiness to make the diagnosis. I also intend to pursue a fellowship after residency. I am more inclined to pursue a career in academic practice as I feel it will provide a better platform to be involved in research. There is no other ambition that I so keenly pursue and no other goal that I so passionately want to come true than being a good Internist.

My application for Internal Medicine has been motivated to develop a good command of the wide and latest knowledge in the field of medicine, to be well trained in the acquisition of advanced research methodology, to gain sufficient practical experience to reach new developments in my field, to raise a firm theoretical and empirical basis for my career.

To pursue these objectives, I intend to include the following activities in my prospective study plan: Mastering the fundamental theory and knowledge in medicine; Actively participating in and acquiring advanced research methods; Discovering issues of interest and following the latest development and the literature in the related field; Consulting senior professors for valuable advices and exchanging ideas with my fellow students for the purpose of improving myself in collective activities and offering possible assistance to others; Extensively integrating myself into American society as a whole and expanding my cultural horizons.

Ultimately, after these 3 years of residency, I want to be a highly competent but inquisitive physician and more importantly a better human being. To reach there I am going to work more enthusiastically and diligently than ever at each and every step, learning from my mistakes if any and making sure they are never repeated. To accomplish that I would need a program that will help me to excel and achieve my potential as well as at the same time is intellectually stimulating and supplements my passion for learning. With this vision in my mind, I am applying to your program with a hope that you will also find your ideal resident here in me.

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I Want to Transcend Borders to Help Others Experience Health and Wellness. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from


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