With the rapid development of Global trade and the division of labour between states, intra-industry trade has besides been unusual advancement. Although Russia and China belongs to developing states, the two states participate in international trade ‘s motivations are non the same, but the survey on the development, bilateral trade between China and Russia can be seen, the favourable conditions for the development of intra-industry trade between China and Russia is far greater than the inauspicious conditions, such as geographic propinquity, economic development degree, near the demand penchant similarity and so on, this shows that the basic conditions of developing industry of China and Russia trade has. If the two states have great advancement in spread outing the graduated table of concern, the execution of scheme, merchandise difference and better the debut of FDI class and the constitution of trade system agreement of words, the Sino Russian trade within the industry will be turning steadily, the two states economic strength will besides happen softly changed.
Inter-industry trade is a trade of merchandises that are owned by different industries. For case, the trade of agricultural merchandises produced in one state with technological equipment produced in another state can be ranked to be an inter industry trade. Countries normally engage in inter industry trade harmonizing to their competitory advantages.
Intra-industry trade, on the other manus, is a trade of merchandises that fall within the same industry. As it has been observed, “intra industry trade ( IIT ) , that is trade of similar merchandises, has been a cardinal factor in trade growing in recent decennaries. These tendencies have largely been assigned to the atomization of production ( outsourcing and offshoring ) as a consequence of globalization and new technologies” ( Handjiski et al, 2010, p.15 ) .
As the universe ‘s prima agricultural manufacturer and consumer, China and Russia each of import agricultural merchandise trade spouse. In 2008, bilateral trade in agricultural merchandises made up 12.3 % of the entire trade volume between the two states. China is Russia ‘s first agricultural merchandises export market, Russia on 2008 Chinese agricultural exports accounted for entire exports of agricultural merchandises 14.1 % . Russia is the import market Chinese agricultural merchandise chiefly, 2nd merely to Brazil and Argentina, USA, as the 4th largest beginning of imports of agricultural merchandises in China.
In 2008, Chinese imports from Russia accounted for Chinese agricultural merchandises imported agricultural merchandises 6.5 % ; at the same clip, an of import portion of the agricultural merchandise trade shortage is China agricultural trade shortage. In 2008, the bilateral agricultural trade shortage of $ 4250000000, accounting for Chinese agricultural merchandise trade ‘s entire shortage 9.6 % .
The nutrient and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the statistical information of the agricultural merchandises include three parts: one is the agricultural merchandises, including all comestible and non comestible harvests and animate being merchandises and processed merchandises ; two H2O merchandises and their processed merchandises ; three is the wood merchandises and processed merchandises.
Bilateral agricultural merchandises trade between China and Russia is turning quickly spread outing, the balance of trade In recent old ages, bilateral agricultural merchandises trade grows quickly, the entire trade of agricultural merchandises in 1998 from $ 943000000 to $ 6980000000 in 2008, 11 old ages increased by 6.4 times, with an mean one-year growing rate of 58.2 % . In table 1 shows 1998 – 2008 Chinese and Russian agricultural merchandises import and export volume growing, and trade shortages. During this period, China since Russian imports increased by 8.37 times, with an mean one-year addition of 76.1 % ; Chinese exports to Russia increased 3.03 times, with an mean one-year addition of 27.5 % .
Although the Russian agricultural merchandise trade in recent old ages in the overall public presentation of a shortage, but maintain high excess of Chinese trade in agricultural merchandises, and the excess is still spread outing ; Chinese for agricultural merchandises trade shortage accounted for the entire bilateral trade in agricultural merchandises from 60.9 % in 2008 to 28.2 % in 1998, 2007 was one time every bit high as 64 % . The Russian agricultural merchandise trade excess greatly catches up with its to China trade shortage.
The two inter-industry trade is the chief signifier of agricultural merchandises trade between China and Russia. The ware trade between China and Russia is chiefly based on two sorts of signifiers: one is caused by differences in resource gifts based on interindustry trade ; the other is a consequence of intra industry trade based on the graduated table of production. Impolitely Law Elder ( G L ) is widely used to mensurate the index of intra industry trade degree tallness, the look expression is: Bia=1 – ( Xia – Mia ) / ( Xia+Mia ) . Among them, Bia is a merchandises intra industry trade index, Xia and Mia severally, Show 1998-2008 agricultural merchandise trade growing and trade balance.
А list of eight sorts of agricultural merchandise trade in the import and export merchandises and intra industry trade index. Overall, CHINA Russian bilateral trade in agricultural merchandises increased quickly, but the alteration of each trade of such merchandises is non the same. Imports, imports of forest merchandises: Chinese crisp rise in imports in 2008 of wood merchandises is 16 times more than in 1998, forest merchandise imports from Russia in Chinese imported agricultural merchandises in the proportion rose from 41.6 % in 1998 to 76.4 % in 2008 ; and the other seven classs of agricultural merchandises the proportion of imports are down, particularly the lessening of aquatic merchandises import the proportion of 24.3 % .National merchandise exports and imports. Bida is near to 1, bespeaking that the merchandise trade belongs to the intra industry trade ; Bia is near to 0, bespeaking that the merchandises belong to the interindustry trade.
The export side, the alteration of two sorts of merchandises is really important: 1 is the aquatic merchandises export growing, the export of aquatic merchandises to the growing is consistent with the overall state of affairs in recent old ages China aquatic merchandises end product increased and its international fight betterment ; two is a important growing of horticultural merchandises exports in 2008, horticultural merchandises exports have accounted for more than half of the Russian China export. This is Chinese labour intensive reinforced concrete manifestation in the CHINA Russian trade in the export fight of agricultural merchandises.
It can be seen from table 2, the first, 2008 sum trade reached US $ 5200000000, accounting for 74.5 % of the sum of bilateral agricultural merchandises trade of bulk agricultural merchandises, horticultural merchandises and merchandises of three classs of merchandises G – L index is about 0, which of these three merchandises trade belongs to the typical inter industry trade ; 2nd, the volume of trade reached US $ 1680000000, accounting for 24 % of the sum of bilateral agricultural merchandises trade of comestible animate being merchandises, non comestible animate being merchandises, aquatic merchandises and drinks and baccy merchandises in four classs of G L index were higher than 0, but the little print of.5, viz. , the four types of merchandises trade still belongs to the inter industry trade ; third, the volume of trade is 170000000 dollars, accounted for other agricultural merchandises of bilateral agricultural merchandises trade volume 2.5 % G – L index near to 1, is typical of the intra industry trade. Therefore, based on the differences in resource gifts of interindustry trade is the basic features of agricultural merchandises trade between China and Soviet Union.
Seen from the G – L index can besides be, although the traditional interindustry trade has been like a yarn throughout the agricultural merchandise trade, but 10 old ages still have some alterations. First of wholly, the majority of agricultural merchandises trade belongs to the more obvious of the intra industry trade in 1998, from the beginning of 2008 into a typical inter industry trade ; and farm animal merchandises trade for the G L index decreased bit by bit from the intra industry trade into a typical inter industry trade. On the contrary, other features of agricultural merchandises trade with interindustry trade in 1998, and by 2008 was changed into typical intra industry trade. Second, several sort of agricultural merchandise of G – L index alterations.
Among them, the ingestion of animate being merchandises, non comestible animate being merchandises, aquatic merchandises, horticulture merchandises, drinks and baccy and wood merchandises intra industry trade index in 1998 0 or shut to 0, belong to typical wholly or inter industry trade ; but by 2008, the G L index increased, they have certain industry division of labour, particularly the ingestion of animate being merchandises and aquatic merchandises C – L index nearing 0.5, the intra industry division of labour, the higher grade of.
Chinese agricultural imports from Russia focused on wood and aquatic merchandises, chiefly for lumber, chilled and frozen fish, mush and paper, man-made gum elastic, molded wood and railroad slumberers and so on. Among them, the imports of logs, chilled and frozen fish and mush and paper imports from China has been the largest merchandise, the proportion of entire 2008 imports accounted for agricultural imports were 45.6 % , 21 % and 13.9 % while in 1998 this proportion was 21.7 % , 45.3 % and 16.9 % . In comparing, a larger addition in imports of logs, chiefly due to growing in Chinese demand for wood ; and fish imports fell significantly, because the rapid growing of China ‘s aquatic production.3. Farmers ‘ merchandises are the chief characteristics of a high concentration of farm merchandises in Russia
In 2008, China ‘s agricultural exports to Russia focused on veggies, fruits and aquatic merchandises, including aquatic merchandises, fruits and nuts, veggies and roots merchandises, fresh veggies and fruit merchandises, accounting for 21.2 of the entire agricultural exports % , 15.8 % , 14 % , 11.6 % and 6 % . And in 1998, China and Russia out of proportion. The expression is: CRDl = ?Xi / ?X / O where. CRnl for concentration ratio, jade import ( export ) the sum of a individual merchandise, m is the figure of the investigated merchandise, N is the figure of all merchandises.
The consequences show that high merchandise concentration of agricultural trade between China and Russia, but besides somewhat higher than the concentration of imported merchandises for exports. 1998 and 2008, the concentration of Chinese imports before 10 merchandises up approximately 99 % ; and exports, although the grade of concentration is greater, but lower than the overall concentration of imported merchandises.
Moreover, in 2008 the export merchandise concentration decreased compared to 1998, before 5 from 73 per cent in 1998 to 69 % in 2008, before the 10 down to 87 per centum from 92 per centum. Description bilateral trade merchandises with a high concentration of competitory merchandises in export trade each other ‘s immense graduated table, and this tendency is more obvious in Russia.
For illustration, in Russia ‘s exports of agricultural merchandises, the first two merchandise exports accounted for about two-thirds of entire exports. Russia agricultural trade complementarity four important characteristics. In many ways measure the comparative trade advantage, and I selected the comparative trade advantage ( RTA ) index, the specific look expression is: RTAia = ( Xia / Xra ) / ( Xin / Xm ) – ( Mia / Mra ) / ( Min / Mrn ) . Which, Xra is in add-on to all other foreign states I a trade good export, Xrn for all other states except I overseas exports of other trade goods, M is the matching value of imports. RTA is positive, bespeaking that the state ‘s production of this merchandise has a comparative advantage ; RTA is negative, bespeaking that the state does non possess a trade advantage. Depending on the size RTA value niche merchandises can be divided into strong advantage ( RTA?1 ) , weak high quality ( 0?RTA & A ; lt ; 1 ) , weak disadvantage ( -1?RTA & A ; lt ; 0 ) and disadvantages ( RTA & A ; lt ; -1 ) .
10 old ages, the sort of China ‘s chief agricultural imports from Russia did make non alter much. Chinese agricultural imports from Russia concentrated on wood and aquatic merchandises, chiefly for lumber, chilled and frozen fish, mush and paper, man-made gum elastic, molded wood and railroad slumberers and so on. Among them, the imports of logs, chilled and frozen fish and mush and paper imports from China has been the largest merchandise, the proportion of entire 2008 imports accounted for agricultural imports were 45.6 % , 21 % and 13.9 % while in 1998 this proportion was 21.7 % , 45.3 % and 16.9 % . In comparing, a larger addition in imports of logs, chiefly due to growing in Chinese demand for wood ; and fish imports fell aggressively, because the rapid growing of China ‘s aquatic production.
Types of Chinese agricultural exports to Russia in 10 old ages, profound alterations have taken topographic point. In 2008, China ‘s agricultural exports to Russia focused on veggies, fruits and aquatic merchandises, including aquatic merchandises, fruits and nuts, veggies and roots merchandises, fresh veggies and fruit merchandises, accounting for 21.2 of the entire agricultural exports % , 15.8 % , 14 % , 11.6 % and 6 % . And in 1998, China and Russia out of proportion. The expression is: CRDl = ?Xi / ?X / O where. CRnl for concentration ratio, jade import ( export ) the sum of a individual merchandise, m is the figure of the investigated merchandise, N is the figure of all merchandises.
The consequences show that high merchandise concentration of agricultural trade between China and Russia, but besides somewhat higher than the concentration of imported merchandises for exports. 1998 and 2008, the concentration of Chinese imports before 10 merchandises up approximately 99 % ; and exports, irrespective of the fact that the grade of concentration is higher, but lower than the overall concentration of imported merchandises.
Moreover, in 2008 the export merchandise concentration reduced compared to 1998, before 5 from 73 per cent in 1998 to 69 % in 2008, before the 10 down to 87 per centum from 92 per centum. Description bilateral trade merchandises with a high concentration of competitory merchandises in export trade each other ‘s immense graduated table, and this tendency is more obvious in Russia.
For case, in Russia ‘s exports of agricultural merchandises, the first two merchandise exports accounted for about two-thirds of entire exports. Russia agricultural trade complementarity four important characteristics. In many ways measure the comparative trade advantage, and I selected the comparative trade advantage ( RTA ) index, the specific look expression is: RTAia = ( Xia / Xra ) / ( Xin / Xm ) – ( Mia / Mra ) / ( Min / Mrn ) . Which, Xra is in add-on to all other foreign states I a trade good export, Xrn for all other states except I overseas exports of other trade goods, M is the matching value of imports. RTA is positive, bespeaking that the state ‘s production of this merchandise has a comparative advantage ; RTA is negative, bespeaking that the state does non possess a trade advantage. Depending on the size RTA value niche merchandises can be divided into strong advantage ( RTA?1 ) , weak high quality ( 0?RTA & A ; lt ; 1 ) , weak disadvantage ( -1?RTA & A ; lt ; 0 ) and disadvantages ( RTA & A ; lt ; -1 ) .
Shows the value of CHINA and Russian trade in agricultural merchandises in RTA chief merchandise. RTA appraisal consequences indicate that agricultural trade between China and Russia has important complementary characteristics, taking into history the comparative advantages of the two states, in line with the demands and involvements of both sides. First, China ‘s monolithic imports of lumber, mush and paper, man-made gum elastic and wood merchandises from Russia, RTA values of these merchandises are largely negative and less than -1, bespeaking that China is at a disadvantage even on these merchandises is a strong disadvantage ; and For Russia, RTA value of these merchandises are positive and greater than 1, bespeaking that Russia has a strong advantage in these merchandises.
Second, the chief agricultural merchandises crystal Chinese exports to Russia, including aquatic merchandises, fruits and nuts, fresh veggies and vegetable merchandises, fruit and fruit merchandises, with its RTA values are positive, demo them the advantages of Chinese merchandises and China has a strong advantage in labour-intensive merchandises such as aquatic merchandises, fruit and vegetable merchandises respect ; and RTA value of these merchandises in Russia are negative, bespeaking that these merchandises are of inferior merchandises in Russia. Third, in the merchandises listed in the carnal provender are the two sides do non hold a trade advantage
CHINA AND Russian trade in agricultural merchandises is an of import portion of China ‘s agricultural trade, its chief characteristics are: First, the rapid growing of bilateral trade in agricultural merchandises, chiefly imported to China, China is in a shortage place, and the trade shortage continues to spread out. Second, China ‘s imports of forest merchandises from Russia and resource-intensive merchandises, such as fresh seafood, Russian export horticultural merchandises and aquatic merchandises, and other labour-intensive merchandises, reflecting differences in resource gifts parties, trade strongly complementary.
Third, trade merchandise concentration is really high, is different from the Chinese agricultural trade between China and Russia and other of import features of the states of beginning of agricultural merchandises trade, China ‘s imports from Russia and export of the first two merchandises of the top five merchandises accounted for the import and export of China 20 three. Fourth, gave the complementary advantages of the two states on agricultural merchandises, combined with lower land surrounding both sides and transit costs, the size of agricultural trade between China and Russia will go on spread outing.