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Essays on Afghanistan


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Essay Examples

Management of Medical Services in Kabul, Afghanistan



Words: 3160 (13 pages)

Abstract             There are several challenges that face medics in remote locations.  Some are attributed to the environment, while some are attributed to other factors like infrastructure, security concerns, hygiene and cultural diversity of residents in these remote locations.  This report aims at advising the management on the factors that should be considered when deploying…

History of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Words: 8485 (34 pages)

Barriers, obstacles or problems to Access Tuberculosis Diagnosis and receive TB treatment in Afghanistan: Comparison of female and male patients. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, located in the center of Asia, is in most cases geographically recognized in association with central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East.  It is bordered by Pakistan in the…

How Many Yar Alis? – Part Two


Words: 1984 (8 pages)

Part One considered the Pathan warrior Yar Ali Khan who shared adventures with REH’s character Francis X. Gordon, known as El Borak. Both were born in the nineteenth century. Gordon’s adventures in the Middle East certainly take place prior to World War One (“Son of the White Wolf” excepted) and it’s averred that he was…

The Unforgiving Land: The Story of Kafiristan


Words: 978 (4 pages)

Situated between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the eastern region of the Hindu-Kush range was home to a land called Kafiristan. The inhabitants of this land were the Kafirs, who were referred to as “pagan” in Islamic terms but firmly rejected conversion to Islam and instead held onto their own religious beliefs. About 200 thousand Kafirs resided…

American and Afghanistan Culture in “the Kite Runner”



Words: 637 (3 pages)

The story provides a glimpse of both American and Afghan cultures, although most of these are implicitly stated by the author of the novel. Let us examine the pictures and details one by one, starting with the not-so-implicit statements that readily reveal both cultures. The first chapter of the novel reveals that Amir, the protagonist,…

Kite runner project ideas



The Kite Runner

Words: 505 (3 pages)

The Kite Runner, by Chalked Hussein, follows the maturation of Emir, a male from Afghanistan who needs to find his way in the world as he realizes that his own belief system is not that of his dominant culture. Set in Afghan Stan and the United States, The Kite Runner is valetudinarians that illustrates the…

APWH Summer Assignment

A Thousand Splendid Suns



Words: 1394 (6 pages)

Although both men and women in Afghanistan faced ordeals and hardships, women fared much worse. The rise of the Taliban oppressed women and deprived them of their rights and freedom. First of all, women were not permitted to step outside their house without a male relative alongside them. This became a serious problem because women…

Frequently Asked Questions about Afghanistan

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How would you describe Afghanistan?
Afghanistan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia that borders China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The geography of Afghanistan is arid and mountainous; the Hindu Kush Mountains run northeast to southwest and divide the northern provinces from the rest of the country.
Is Afghanistan a beautiful country?
Stunning cobalt-blue lakes with natural travertine dams in Band-e-Amir, the pristine, soaring Pamir Mountains, through which some of the world's last snow leopards prowl—far from the simplistic, violent, and drab images preferred by the media, Afghanistan is a beautiful and multifaceted nation.
What is Afghanistan famous for?
Afghanistan has a history of more than six thousand years, with many historical sights and attractions, among these are the more than two thousand year old famous Buddha Statues, the tomb of Hazrate Ali (the son in law of Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h and the fourth caliph of Islam) in Mazar-e Sharif, the beautiful city of ...
Why is Afghanistan important to the world?
Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's opium and is also a leading hashish producer. ... Afghanistan is the source of several major regional rivers flowing into water-scarce neighbouring countries. Afghan water infrastructure projects have produced strong diplomatic protests from neighbouring countries.

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