It is interesting to find more about the inventions in the Romantic era and how they affected the society of the past and the present. Some of these inventions were electric motor, steam power and gas lighting.
In an electric motor, electrical energy is changed into mechanical energy. There were many people who were said to have led to the invention of the electric motor but it was Michael Faraday who was credited to have invented it. It was Faraday’s discovery of the induction ring that led to the invention of the electric motor. The invention of the electric motor was considered as one of the most important inventions of the Romantic era because it helped in the proper utilization of electricity. Up to the present, electric motors are used in our daily lives. It has become a very valuable invention as it is still used in cars and mainly household appliances.
The use of electric motor also led to the discovery of another important invention, the generator, which also led to other inventions that made use electricity as a new energy source.
Another notable discovery of the Romantic era was the steam power. An English military and engineer, Thomas Savery wanted to solve the problem of how to pump water from the coal mines. He worked with another inventor, Thomas Newcomen to create the atmospheric steam engine. Probably, the most important effect of the steam power was it was able to run the factories of the Industrial Revolution. It was used mainly for powering pumps and mills. Its use then extended to power vehicles like tractors, cars, trains and ships. The discovery of steam power was able to help run not only factories but also to power transportation devices. The steam power has evolved to speed up transportation during the present times. Also, because of the steam power, James Watt was also able to improve on this discovery by creating the steam engine.
Discovery of the steam power lessened the burden of humans and animals’ muscle power in working for boilers. Like the electric motor, the steam power also led to a string of inventions in many areas, mostly in transportation and machineries. This led to the time we now call Industrial Revolution.
Lastly, another noteworthy discovery during the Romantic era was the gas lighting. It is a kind of technology that is used to produce light from gas. Coal gas was usually used during the earlier years but then was replaced by natural gas. We can credit this invention of gas lighting to William Murdoch, who worked for James Watt at his steam engine factory called Soho Foundry. He made this discovery one day while at work when he picked some coal dust from his pipe and put them on fire. The gas formed shone brightly and Murdoch then saw that it could be used as an illuminant. He then used this discovery of his to light up their main building, catching the attention of the people.
Gaslighting was mainly used by the United States and Europe to light their streets in the early nineteenth century. This then gave way to electric lighting at the beginning of the twentieth century with gas lighting being used up in homes.
Without these technologies discovered during the Romantic Era, a lot of other inventions following them would not have been possible. Most of these inventions have led great and many improvements in living, making it easier in many aspects.
Works Cited
- “A brief history of steam power.” John’s Online Museum. 16 May 2008
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- “Dreams of Steam: The History of Steam Power.” 28 March 2005. 16 May 2008
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- “History of Lighting and Lamps.” 2008. About.Com. 16 May 2008.
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- “HSC Motors and Generators.” 25 September 2006. 15 May 2008
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- “Michael Faraday.” 2008. About.Com. 15 May 2008. <>
- “Motors and Generators.” 2008. MSN Encarta. 15 May 2008. <>
- “The History of Steam Engines.” 2008. About.Com. 16 May 2008
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- Thomson, Janet. The Scot Who Lit The World, The Story of William Murdoch Inventor of Gas Lighting. 2003.
- “William Murdoch.” 16 May 2008
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- Thomson, Janet. The Scot Who Lit The World, The Story of William Murdoch Inventor of Gas Lighting. 2003.