It Is Cruel to Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos

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In this article, the author argues that it is cruel to keep animals in cages and zoos. Although some people may believe that zoos save animals from the dangers of the wild, the author argues that animals in captivity have no freedom, skills, or rights. Animals in cages are restrained all day and have nothing to do except eat, sleep, and entertain visitors. They cannot develop skills like hunting, attacking, mating, or bonding, which reduces their chances of survival if released into the wild. Additionally, animals in zoos have a much shorter life expectancy due to stress and inability to engage in natural behaviors. The author believes that keeping animals in cages and zoos is nothing but a form of entertainment and is cruel to the animals, who should be free to live in the wild.

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It Is Cruel To Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos Although many people think that animals get saved from dangers of wildlife If they are kept in zoos, in fact, this actually is making the animals’ life meaningless-?they have no freedom, no skills, no rights and even their life expectancy Is much shorter. Animals are restrained in cages all day. They have no freedom at all, unlike the animals which live in the wild and have run free In forests and Savannah.

The animals that lives in the cages have got nothing to do except eat, sleep and entertain he visitors. Animals also lose skills In such a bored, confined environment Like the cages. They can’t develop skills like the normal wild animals can do such as hunting, attacking, mating or bonding which means they have no chance when or If they let on and Into the wild. Even though the animals are fed everything they need, and, if they get a disease, the zookeepers can help them; some of the animals still have a much lower life expectancy in the zoo.

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An example is the whale shark which can live at least 70 years, only can lives for 3 years in the zoo. This is because animals are often more stressed and are unable to do usual things that wild animals can do in the wild. Furthermore, animals are Just a showpiece, a form of entertainment. People who disagree with this would probably say that it is a good way to learn things about an animal by letting people visit the zoos and see how they behave; in fact, it might be harmful for the animals.

Imagine how cruel to taking animals away from their home and putting them in a small cages which they spend their whole life in it and with rouse onlookers staring at them and taking pictures of them which might scare animals with that flash. Even though the animals probably will not realize this, they will still feel uncomfortable. In conclusion, it is cruel to keep animals In cages and zoos. Animals are belonging to wild, even the zookeepers could give them comfortable life, and even they will not starve for food. However, they already lose their meaning of life.

It Is Cruel to Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos By rigorous Although many people think that animals get saved from dangers of wildlife if they eave no freedom, no skills, no rights and even their life expectancy is much shorter. Animals which live in the wild and have run free in forests and Savannah. The Animals also lose skills in such a bored, confined environment like the cages. They can’t develop skills like the normal wild animals can do such as hunting, attacking, mating or bonding which means they have no chance when or if they let on and into In conclusion, it is cruel to keep animals in cages and zoos.

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It Is Cruel to Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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