Life and Success of Lena Horne

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Lena Horne was born on June 30, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. Her parentswere Teddy and Edna Scottron Horne. After her father left her at the age of twoin order to pursue his gambling career; her mother leaving soon after that topursue her acting career; she went to live with her grandparents. Through hergrandparents influence she became involved with organizations like the NAACP, atan early age.

In 1924 she went back to live with her mother, traveling and beingschooled all over the state until she was fourteen. At the age of fourteen shedecided to drop out of school and go to work. Because she was talented and lightskinned it was not hard for her to find a job. She became a chorus girl inHarlems Cotton Club where blacks entertained a strictly all white crowd.

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Atthat time she was making about $25 a week. It was here that Lena got to meet andobserve now famous artists such as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Count Basie,Ethal Waters, and Billie Holiday. At the age of nineteen she met and marriedLouis Jones. Together they had two children Gail and Teddy (who later died in1970 from kidney failure). While trying to get used to raising a family andhaving a career, she received a call from an agent, who had seen her at theCotton Club, about a part in a movie. Her controlling husband allowed her to bein “The Duke is Tops” and also the musical revue “Blackbirds of1939.” When she finally got up the courage to leave Louis, he deiced totake her son away from her.

Page 2 She lost custody of Teddy when the divorcewas final and has always regretted not fighting harder for her son. After herdivorce she began singing with Noble Sissies Society Orchestra. Through outtheir tour she had to endure harsh racism having to sleep in tenement boardinghouses, the bus and even once in circus grounds. Soon after that, she touredwith Charlie Barnets Outfit and became the first African American to tourwith an all white band.

She was their feature singer and considers this to bethe beginning of her success. Lena decided to head out to Hollywood and see whatshe could do out there. She began singing in the Trocadero Club where she metone of the most influential people in her life: Billy Strayhom. Billy Strayhomwas the chief music-writer for Duke Ellington. Lena has always felt that she andhe were soul mates, despite the fact that he was gay.

At 76 she sang a fortyminute set at his funeral. While singing in the Trocadero Club she wasdiscovered by MGM. Being a strong believer in equal rights she demanded acontract. Right then Lena earned her place in African American history as “thefirst African-American actress in history to sign a long-term contract with amajor film studio.” (AMC) Lena began to emerge as the first pinup girl forAfrican American GIs.

Also she was the first African American actress to beon the cover of a movie magazine, Motion Picture Magazine 1944. Lena Hornemarried a white musical arranger in 1947. His name was Lennie Page 3 Hayton. They kept their marriage a secret for three years because of the controversyover interracial marriages. When the marriage finally came out in the open, thecouple was bombarded with numerous threatening letters. The couple was marriedfor 24 years when he died in 1971.

Devastated by his death; she moved in withher daughter. It wasnt until three years later when Tony Bennett convincedher to return to show business that she did any performing. In 1981 she put onthe performance of a lifetime. Her one women show entitled “Lena Horne: TheLady and Her Music” ran for fourteen months straight before she took theproduction on tour.

She has always been a strong believer in equal rights. Lenahas actively participated in the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People, the National Council of Negro women, the Delta Sigma Thetasorority and the Urban League. Lena often offered her time singing and speakingat rallies and conventions in support of equal rights. One of the advancementsshe is most proud of is an honorary doctorate she received from HowardUniversity in 1980.

“I had been offered doctorates earlier, she said,and had turned them down because I hadnt been to college. But by the timeHoward presented the doctorate to me, I knew I had graduated from the school oflife, and I was ready to accept it.” (Amazon) In 1994 she released an Albumentitled “Well Be Together Again” as a tribute to some of the musicianthat are gone who have contributed to her sixty one year career. The musiciansare Billy Strayhom, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Harold Arien and of course herhusband, Lennie Hayton. Page 4 Lena not only starred in movies but also ontelevision. She was in shows such as: “Ed Sullivan Show,” “The CosbyShow,” and “The Perry Como Show.” She also starred in musical andtelevision specials with Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra.

She wasone of the first African American women in many US productions. Some of her mostfamous songs recorded are “Heres Lena–Now?” The Eagle and Me,””The Best Things in Life Are Free,” “Well Be Together again,””The Lady and Her Music,” “Lena: Lovely and Alive,” ” I GottaRight to Sing the Blues,” “Moanin Low.” Lena had roles in moviessuch as: “Stormy Weather,” “Cabin in the Sky,” “Death of aGunfighter,” “The Duke is Tops,” “Blackbirds of 1939,” andmuch more. The Broadway shows she performed in were “Dance With Your Gods”and “Jamaica” just to name a few. Lena Horne is considered one of the firstAfrican American movie stars.

She paved the way for African American men andwomen in Hollywood. Her enduring and indelible career took her from cabaretperformer in the 30s to stage and screen star in the 40s, 50s, and60s. She is currently recording today while living in New York City. I thinkthat she is overlooked too quickly when it comes to naming great performers. Shewas finally recognized for her achievements in 1989 when earned a Grammy forLifetime Achievement.

Lena Horne has paved a way for other African Americans toenter into the world of film. I think that she is a great pioneer of equalrights because she did it on her own terms and was not as forceful as some ofthe other advocates. She achieved equal rights and respect because of her grace,elegance and talent. Synopsis on Lena Horne Lena Horne has made a big differencein the entertainment field of American Culture. She started performing at theage of fourteen in a chorus line to help out with the bills at home. She quicklymoved into the Broadway scene.

She has been in several Broadway shows like:”Dance With Your Gods” in 1934 and also “Jamaica” in 1957. AfterBroadway she began her film career. Although the movies she stared in had an allAfrican American cast, her presence helps push aside the stereotypical on-screenimages of African Americans. Lena made history by becoming the first AfricaAmerican to tour with an all white band and also the first African Americanwomen to sign a long-term contract with a major film studio. She was also anaccomplished jazz singer. Recording songs such as: “The Lady and Her Music”and “The Best Things in Life Are Free.” Lena was a strong advocate of equalrights.

he was a member of the NAACP, the National Council of Negro women andthe Urban League. I think that she is a great pioneer of equal rights becauseshe did it on her own terms and was not as forceful as some of the otheradvocates. She achieved equal rights and respect because of her grace, eleganceand talent. BibliographyMagazines: Lena Town & Country, September 95, Vol. 149 issue 5184,page 128.

Author: Jonathan Schwartz The Lady Lived The Blues Biography, February98, Vol. 2 issue 2, page 62 Author: Beverly Lauderdale Lena Horne, Timelessas Ever Billboard, June 98, Vol. 110 issue 25, page 36 Author: Philip BoothWeb Pages:

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