Motivation at Royal Mail

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Employee motivation is a crucial concern for directors, managers, and personnel managers. Leaders must understand the factors that motivate their subordinates in order to inspire high levels of performance. Proper utilization of motivation techniques empowers employees to maximize their knowledge, skills, and talents. In our current unpredictable and frequently disordered business landscape, the success of a company relies heavily on the abilities and dedication of its workforce.

Despite the different theories and methodologies, leaders’ motivation in today’s world remains mysterious. This is because people are motivated by various factors and use diverse techniques. In the current business landscape, the term ‘motivation’ is frequently used to explain this phenomenon. Every company aiming to increase profits and reduce expenses should focus on improving employee productivity, in which motivation proves highly effective. The impact of share-ownership on employee attitudes and behaviors demonstrates its influence on their mindset.

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According to research, when employees participate in share ownership plans, it can increase their sense of ownership and foster commitment, ultimately improving performance. This approach ensures that employees have a long-term investment in the company, benefiting the organization as a whole. Furthermore, employee participation as shareholders is likely to promote good corporate governance, which is crucial for the sustainability of the company.

Everyone who has a company with employees as shareholders wants transparency in enterprise data and involvement in company decisions. Shareholders benefit from knowing they have support from other shareholders and employees working towards the same goals. When employees actively participate based on property rights and related responsibilities, it strengthens the company and enriches the selection of enterprise solutions.

Shareholders and workers should be given equal rights as other shareholders. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN THEORIES. Frederick Herzberg’s motivation process. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation states that individual satisfaction depends largely on principles such as responsibility, achievement, recognition, promotion, and advancement opportunities. On the other hand, dissatisfaction arises from the company’s policies and management, subordinates, working conditions, salaries, relationships with colleagues, personal life, status, and security. These causes of dissatisfaction are referred to as hygienic factors.

According to F Herzberg, satisfaction factors play a role in preventing dissatisfaction. However, if an employee is not motivated enough, these factors are referred to as motivators. The factors that influence satisfaction, known as motivators, are separate from and independent of the factors that cause dissatisfaction, which are referred to as hygiene factors. Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation is widely used in many organizations due to its practicality. This theory forms the basis of the ‘vertical job enrichment program’, which focuses on providing work that is both hygienic and motivational.

The work is adapted to provide employees with the chance to achieve, receive recognition, take on responsibilities, advance in their careers, and grow. With this in mind, it is possible to assert that distributing shares could enhance the motivation of Royal Mail staff, as it would give them additional responsibilities. Furthermore, this aligns with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, which posits that motivation stems from satisfying five fundamental needs: physiological, safety, social, respect, and self-expression.

According to Maslow’s Needs theory, individuals are motivated by their needs until they are satisfied. This understanding highlights the broad range of needs that drive human motivation. To effectively motivate employees, managers should provide opportunities for employees to meet their needs in ways that align with the organization’s objectives. EMPLOYEE WORK VALUES Salary is not solely monetary, but represents everything of value to an individual. Creating favorable working conditions is sufficient to make employees feel appreciated.

In the Soviet period, employees were instructed to focus on their direct responsibilities and avoid disrupting others in order to avoid being disturbed. However, job descriptions for corporate executives have now become insignificant. Managers today are expected to have experience in all aspects of business, including the foundation, development, maturity, and change management. They are often lacking in financial, marketing, and sales expertise.

Now, it is important to manage people rather than control them and educate them in a manner that satisfies their work. When preparing training, it is common to use the iceberg analogy. The visible part above the water represents a worker’s competence, such as sales skills, that can be learned. However, what lies beneath the water, hidden from leaders’ view, is a person’s attitude, values, and behaviors, which are demonstrated based on individual advantage and how they choose to present themselves. It is recommended to implement a financial program.

Financial incentives, including cash bonuses, profit sharing, and exceptional performance bonuses, are frequently employed by companies to motivate employees. However, relying solely on financial incentives is inadequate for meeting workplace demands. Herzberg’s theory emphasizes the importance of non-financial incentives in fostering employee satisfaction. These include recognition, additional holidays, enhanced office facilities, free transportation, and health insurance. Such non-financial incentives contribute significantly to creating a positive work environment and enable employees to view their workplace positively.

Improving different aspects of employees’ jobs can enhance their overall satisfaction. Key factors for job satisfaction include intellectually challenging work, favorable working conditions, and a friendly team environment. Employees are more satisfied when they can use their skills and abilities, have a variety of tasks, and make decisions independently. It is important for Royal Mail executives to prioritize understanding and addressing the values, attitudes, and perceptions of their subordinates considering these factors.

Employee performance and job satisfaction can be improved if their values align well with the organization’s values. Managers should take an interest in their staff’s attitudes, as these attitudes can influence their behavior. Providing personalized promotion tasks, where employees have the freedom and autonomy to schedule their work and achieve their objectives, can result in a sense of accomplishment, increased self-confidence, and the development of responsibility. Furthermore, managers should assign employees tasks of increasing complexity to cultivate greater responsibility and foster the acquisition of new skills.

By engaging in decision-making, employees gain confidence in their skills and demonstrate their intelligence and competence in handling intricate tasks. This active involvement enhances employee motivation and eradicates any feelings of monotony. Additionally, employees experience a sense of significance and accountability when they are included in the decision-making process alongside their coworkers and supervisors. By participating in discussions, they acquire knowledge, exchange experiences, and learn from their colleagues. Moreover, they can share their expertise and viewpoints on proposals. Ultimately, being part of the decision-making process aids in achieving objectives and nurtures a sense of achievement.

The work is intriguing because it allows employees to delve deeper into it and comprehend the significance of the task assigned to them. Employee engagement in Royal Mail’s awareness activities also has a notable impact on job performance. Participating in the planning of strategies and objectives and making critical decisions enhances employee self-assurance. A prime illustration of this approach is the motivation of managers’ meetings. Providing employees with the opportunity to express their opinions and understand the rationale behind internal decisions positively affects decision quality and the team’s response to changes.

CONCLUSIONS Almost all human actions are consciously motivated. People are the biggest asset of an organization. Thus, the success of the organization relies on every employee’s actions. The effectiveness of the organization directly depends on the ability to motivate employees to achieve goals. Therefore, leaders should particularly understand the importance of human resources and value the organization, not solely based on new technology, equipment, or growth.

The automation of production will impact the final outcomes. Royal Mail, which plans to allocate a larger portion of shares to its employees, has a dedicated group of shareholders who are demanding yet patient and loyal. This helps the company navigate the current emphasis on short-term goals in the financial market. Despite the various timing of motivation theories devised by different authors, they all share one common aspect: in order for a worker to be productive, they must be motivated and have their needs fulfilled in ways they desire.

When an employer successfully utilizes various theories to their fullest extent, they can anticipate productive work from top-notch employees. It is important to weigh the potential negative impacts of different motivation methods before choosing one. Sometimes, even with good intentions, unexpected reactions can occur. Nevertheless, a well-rounded motivation plan enables a company to achieve superior results and foster stronger employee loyalty.

Reference List:

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (2002). The Motivation to Work. New York: Wiley

Gellerman, S. W. (1963). Motivation and Productivity. United States of America: Vail-Ballow

Pinder, C. C., (2008). Work Motivation in Organizational Behaviour. 2nd Ed. New York: Psychology Press

Boddy, D. (2008) Management: An Introduction (4th Edition), FT/Prentice Hall

Mullins, L. J. (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour. 9th Ed. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall

Emerald, (2010) Can employee share-ownership improve employee attitudes and behaviour? (Accessed: 25 February 2011)

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Motivation at Royal Mail. (2017, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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