My Academic Journey

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For most students, settling into high school can be difficult because of the classes’ rigor or different environment. Transferring out of a generally low-income school, I looked forward to having access to more resources and opportunities at a generally upper-middle class school outside of my neighborhood. However, in looking for new resources and opportunities, I faced an entirely new challenge. The enrollment process was hectic for me, as I had to fill out the application myself because my parents were busy with work and do not speak English very well.

I was also introduced to the process of having to apply for free-lunch and transportation myself, making calls to the district’s departments after school, something that would be automatically offered to low-income students like myself. (Now that my sister is in high school, I must do this for her and myself.) Coming from different areas, the students’ experience academically was different from mine, which caused me to feel like I was behind. I honestly wanted to revert to the comfort of my friends and the pace of learning I was used to for sometime, but I was commuting thirty minutes everyday to get to my new school and filling out my application for two months, so giving up did not feel right to me.

Although every homework question from my advance class that I did not understand made my cry everyday night, I learned to seek help and go to my teachers’ office hours everyday from school. To take that first step to go in the beginning felt like I was declaring defeat or that I was not smart enough, but I soon realized it was the best move to take control of my education and therefore success. When I would go home, I found a free online tutoring program offered by my local library instead to help me with homework when I couldn’t afford special tutoring my peers received. I realized that although I have to work harder and learn to work smarter than my peers just to catch up, it also means that every high score I receive is much more rewarding.

Today, I am aware that my academic journey has not been the smoothest. As the first person to have grown up in the US and attend college in my family, I am constantly overwhelmed with self-doubt and the pressure to succeed. Having started at under resourced public schools then adjusted to high school, which was in itself a difficult process, but I am better prepared for the adjustment to college and know what it takes to succeed at a university. I believe that education is the great equalizer which enables all young people to reach their full potential and change the future, which is why I will face every challenge as an opportunity for growth. 

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