My Personal Philosophy of Education and Learning

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This paper aims to present my rationale for developing a personal philosophy of education and advocate for its implementation in contemporary classrooms. I firmly believe in creating a safe environment that promotes open expression for all children. Furthermore, I will explore key factors that can effectively reduce the number of “at-risk students” and cultivate more positive contributors to society in the future. Additionally, I will argue the significant impact schools and faculty have as supplementary role models in a child’s life. The primary focus of this discourse revolves around examining whether students possess inherent motivation to learn.

My belief is that students have a natural inclination to learn. They have different ways of learning and understanding information. Therefore, it is the responsibility of schools and teachers to continuously adapt and create a supportive atmosphere that motivates and supports young minds. Additionally, education should be available to all students, regardless of where they live or study.

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I recognize that different regions in the country have diverse resource requirements due to their geographical differences. For instance, certain areas might necessitate proficient bilingual teachers, whereas others may require more federal funding for providing free or discounted meals. Nevertheless, it is crucial to establish a fair system of distributing funds so that every school in the United States can access the essential resources needed to deliver optimal education. Additionally, should there be a standardized curriculum encompassing universal truths? Philosophers have extensively studied this matter throughout history.

Many different views exist on what is necessary to improve the education of future generations of children and how to adjust to meet their changing needs in order to produce productive citizens. However, regardless of the philosopher one chooses to base their personal philosophy on, the conclusions reached should ultimately be similar. Children are crucial to our success, and making use of every available research tool from the past and present can only contribute to the development of strong reasoning for the benefit of education. I believe that fostering “open-mindedness” in today’s classrooms can promote and demonstrate the morality of a society.

Children should always be encouraged to think freely and be creative. It is important for teachers to support and promote open speech in order to foster these qualities. In addition to being educators, teachers can also learn from their young students and expand their own minds. When considering the ideal curriculum and conducive classroom environment, Gardner’s Spatial Intelligence Theory can provide guidance. This theory emphasizes the use of visuals, such as pictures and images, and an understanding of color, line, shape, and form, as well as how they relate to one another (Webb, Metha, & Jordan 2007).

The use of colors and shapes in a classroom can benefit visual learners and promote participation from all students. Gardner’s theory of intelligence supports this approach, as it broadens cognitive abilities in various areas of learning. Applying this theory can improve students’ visual perception and spatial orientation skills. Additionally, I firmly believe that vibrant colors on classroom walls enhance the learning experience, unlike plain white walls which lack excitement.

A classroom should be a safe, warm, and inviting environment for education. The positive attitude of students towards learning is a more effective indicator of achievement than test scores. Students who demonstrate eagerness through questioning and continuous motivation in class are stronger evidence of learning progress than any scoring statistic. The teacher’s primary responsibility is to create a positive learning environment for their students. A strong support system can enhance the overall learning experience for children. Teachers should stay updated on protective factors that can help students achieve positive outcomes.

According to Benard (1997), key protective factors contribute to the development of resilience in students. Resilient students possess four common attributes, including social competence, problem-solving skills, autonomy, and a sense of purpose and future (Benard 1997). These attributes are associated with various factors that promote resilience, such as support relationships, student characteristics, family factors, community factors, school factors, and cultural and religious factors that support self-preservation instincts and life purpose (Webb, Metha & Jordan 2007, pg. 246). When all these factors are strong in a student’s life, it reflects the effective performance of an educator. The primary responsibility of a student is to approach school with eagerness to learn and embrace the opportunity for intellectual growth.

It is important for students to feel comfortable asking questions and not be overlooked in the classroom. Likewise, adult role models should also exhibit kindness towards others. Educators need to have proper education degrees to effectively teach students who will shape our future. Teachers should also stay aware of the changing needs of economics and daily life, as these factors can impact how lessons are taught. Constructive criticism is valuable for educators’ development and should not be viewed as offensive. Considering these principles, my educational philosophy aligns with a pragmatic teaching environment that emphasizes practical experiences.

The acquisition of knowledge is achieved through inquiry, testing, questioning, and retesting, which is not absolute. I concur with the idea that problem-solving can be approached in various ways and does not have a definite right or wrong answer (Webb, Metha, & Jordan 2007). Emphasizing the understanding that alternative methods exist for solving equations is essential. Philosophy of Education involves exploring our identity, purpose, and future as individuals (Metha, Jordan, & Webb 2007). Developing my personal philosophy has taught me about the significance of educators encouraging positive qualities in students by embracing open-mindedness, hands-on learning, and freedom to inquire.

Both my personal philosophy and the philosophy of pragmatism agree that schooling should foster the mental, physical, and spiritual growth of children. Pragmatism maintains that certainty is attained through repeated testing and acknowledges the existence of multiple answers leading to a conclusion. It emphasizes that meaning is derived from personal experiences rather than from a fixed reality.

Pragmatism, like my own philosophy, recognizes the significance of hands-on learning and open-mindedness in reaching a conclusion. I believe that these shared principles demonstrate how crucial it is for the teacher-student relationship to have positive support for success. When considering potential risks for a student, such as dropping out of school or engaging in school violence, I would argue that these are the most glaring indicators that my philosophy is not thriving in a classroom setting.

If I had a child who had low grades and poor attendance, with the risk factors of dropping out of school or being involved in school violence, I would consider communication as the most effective approach. I would engage in a conversation with my child to understand their thoughts on why dropping out of school or unresolved school violence could negatively impact their academic performance. By listening to their reasoning, I could implement intervention strategies that could be beneficial.

The text highlights the significance of education and proposes showcasing research on the country’s economic status to underscore its importance. It recommends providing alternative resources to address reasons for school dropouts, acknowledging that some students leave due to financial obligations towards their families. In these cases, the speaker expresses a willingness to explore flexible solutions enabling continued education. The text also indicates government support available for needy families and assisting students in finding jobs that can accommodate their academic schedules.

Efforts to combat school violence involve educating students about the risks associated with using computers and the internet, as well as implementing measures to ensure students are not left unattended during violent incidents on campus. Additionally, working alongside parents of affected students is employed as a strategy to address this issue.

Can my philosophy have an impact on risk factors? It is natural to hope that one’s philosophy would be the solution for overall improvement. However, in reality, it is safe to say that no philosophy can fully eliminate risk factors. While it would be great, it is unrealistic to expect otherwise. With my philosophy of fostering a positive and supportive environment for students, I aim to reduce the likelihood of risk factors being present. By consistently promoting the belief in multiple answers and encouraging questioning, I strive to establish a foundation that supports students who require assistance.

I am confident in my belief that it is important to be careful when identifying visible signs of risk factors in students. I recognize the actuality and potential dangers associated with this issue. By adhering to my personal philosophy, I can decrease the chances of my students encountering these risk factors. Ultimately, through embracing an “open-minded” approach and promoting interactive learning, I strive to establish a positive classroom environment in today’s society.

My aspiration is to provide valuable support to educators in our schools, both past and present. I am confident that by establishing clear objectives and employing effective methodologies for children, I can achieve personal success while benefiting my students. The knowledge gained from this education course has proven highly advantageous, and it is my wish for my final paper to showcase the profound extent of my learning.

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My Personal Philosophy of Education and Learning. (2018, May 17). Retrieved from

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