School Online: Better or Not

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School is a way of life for mostly everyone in life. But there are different forms of schooling and in detail there is two different forms of school: online and physically at school. It’s a subject that can really be elaborated on and facts pulled from. It is also a subject people must make once they decide to put their own children in school, whether they want their children to be online or physically at a school. Parents should consider doing the research to find out which form of schooling better for children before acting upon getting their children in school.

One reason why learning in an online school setting is thata student can graduate at their own pace they set for themselves. A student can take a longer period or graduate much sooner it all depends on the pace given. The situation of having to graduate at a set pace that isn’t tailored to any student brings loads of pressure of not only the student’s back, but also the parents, as referred to in the Infobase’s article on online education. The pressure to succeed and proceed at everyone’s pace around someone can frustrate a student and cause a backlash on their grades and they’re at home life. It can affect them at home because they might not have enough time at school to comprehend what others comprehend in the allotted time they must learn in the classroom which makes them focus not only their school life around school but they’re at home life also.

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In comparison to electing to earn a diploma at home, saving money would be also be in the mix to benefit an online schooled student. The time and money a student puts into driving to school and paying for food in a cafeteria or vending machine can be saved while doing all the school while sitting at home. These decisions are how home life can be affected in a good way. Saving a few extra dollars in a student’s pocket every day, which in turn adds up in life and sooner or later the use of that money that has been saved can now later benefit the student another way in life. Maybe using that money to put a down payment on a car or a house or maybe even putting it back into education for meeting future career goals.

Besides learning online at a computer, learning inside a classroom, students experience social interactions with peers and develop relationships with teachers. Helping children develop socially is an important part of their academic education which is referred to in the article ‘Home Schooling: Is home schooling a viable alternative to traditional classroom-based education?’  These social interactions are important for their metal health. Having someone to talk to through things can help a student out much. Not only is a student able to talk about what ever subject they are learning with a real person at school, but often, the option to talk about life is offered too. Finding someone to help with personal life at a traditional school isn’t hard at all, whether it being a friend or the paid counselor that is at that school that is there to talk to about situations that may be hindering a student from becoming their best selves.

Teachers can modify their teaching style based on types of learners in their classroom. Classroom activities can help a visual learner and interactions can help auditory learners. Teachers can get a clear idea whether students are following what has been taught or they require further explanation. At the same time, students can get their doubts clarified immediately before moving ahead in a topic and modifying is not an option provided in online learning. A student must learn with what is given to them and if they do not, the student will have troubles. It is going to be a safer choice to learn in a way fashioned to the student and whichever way they learn the best and that could be a major help in a student’s life.

All in all, Online School and traditional school are two great ways of schooling and offer many things the other doesn’t. Choosing between online and traditional school relies solely on the student and what it takes for them to learn successfully. The decision to choose between the two options is something that when the time comes to chose how a parent wants her or his child to learn best, which may not even the best decision right off the bat. It is important to do research and ask if the student of theirs, if they think they are learning in the best way possible, what may tailor to them best.

Work Cited

  1. “Online Education” Does online education help students?,N/A. N/A, .
  2. ‘Home Schooling: Is home schooling a viable alternative to traditional classroom-based education?’ Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning, 13 Jan. 2006, Accessed 16 Nov. 2018.
  3. ‘Online Education: Does online education help students?’ Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning, 17 Oct. 2008, Accessed 16 Nov. 2018.

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School Online: Better or Not. (2021, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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